Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas is in the past...already

Christmas 2010 has come and gone. Many more memories made, way too much food, lots of goodies and just spending precious moments with the family. My family is truly one of a kind. You just don't see too many families these days that actually get along, sad, but true.
Taydem was so cute this year getting all her presents from Santa. She knows who the big belly, white bearded, red man is but she doesn't get how he came into our house and dropped off presents for her AND ate the cookies and drank the milk. That whole idea really scared her. She is talking up a storm these past few weeks and we can understand her so much better! I love it!! She is sooooooo dang cute. And her manners are so sweet. Of course Trever's gifts keep getting more and more expensive! But that's his age.

I have a really funny story (not funny at all at the time) to tell you about kicking our Christmas off last week.

I took off Wednesday and Thursday so we could take a trip down to Mexia to spend Christmas with Leven's mom and dad. We got up Wednesday morning packed and picked up the house before heading out the door. Trever opened the car and started loading the back up. Once everything was inside the car we all headed out the door. Leven is walking out the door and hollars, "You got the keys?" I hollared back, "Trever had them." Ok, we all know that Trever wears hearing aids and I know sometimes he doesn't hear us or sometimes he just has "selective" hearing but when I yelled that back to Leven, Trever didn't say anything. So that made me think the keys were in the car. So again Leven says, "Yall got the keys?" And them SLAM..there went the door. Trever yells back (finally), "They are in the house hanging on the key thingy." OMG! Really? So we have now locked the keys in the house. Leven's set of keys were also in the house. We don't have any outside key bc EVERYTIME Trever would use it he would bring it right in the house and it would never get put back. We have gone through tons of keys with Trever. (If you know Trever or any 16 year old boy, he loses everything he gets his hands on!) Wears me out! So we call LockDoc and he shows up about 20 minutes later. I tell Leven to keep the doors shut on the Yukon bc the battery goes down fast. So we left Taydem sitting inside watching her movie. (Thank goodness for our new portable DVD player) The Locksmith starts picking our locks and then tells us that our doorknobs are to current and they CAN'T be picked. OMG? Really? So he has to drill the doorknob (ruins it!) to finally let us in. So now our backdoor can only be locked using the deadbolt until we get a new doorknob. So $40 down the drain. Thank you Locksmith. We get the keys, turn the house alarm on again, and all load up in the car. Crank, crank, crank?? Dead battery! Watching movies inside the car wasn't such a good idea. So we now have to jump off the car. OMG! Really? An hour later we are finally on our way.

We get to Leven's mom's house around 3 ish and spend the afternoon outside. We opened presents and Trev got a tomahawk and Taydem got a little bow and arrow set. Really cute. She also got a Polar Express remote control train. Here are some pictures we took that afternoon:
Throwing a tomahawk actually takes practice and it's harder than it looks.

We were aiming at the card

I finally hit it!

Ann and Lev

Love her!

We had a really good time visiting with Ann and Mike and spent the night playing card games and stuffing our faces! We got up Thursday morning and loaded up the car once again and headed to his daddy's house. Gwen had some delicious lunch waiting on us! We visited and opened presents with them until about 2 ish and got ready to head back to East Texas. We walked outside with our hands full to only find out that our keys are NOW LOCKED IN OUR CAR! OMG! Really? I swear we are a traveling circus. So we call the wrecker service there in Mexia to come open our car doors. Thirty minutes and $75 later we are loaded and ready to go. We still don't know who locked the keys in the car. We all tried to blame each other but can't figure that one out. I blame Trever...he's the kid!! ha.

How ya like that story?? I hope it made you smile at least....

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and now are looking forward to 2011!

 I know I am!

1 comment:

Judy Holleman said...

I laughed so hard when I read this....are you sure you don't know who locked those keys in the car? Always blame the teenager when in every time.