Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 4- My Parents

I'm still working on my 30 day challenge:

My parents, Clark and Vicki, are super special people to so many. They have been married for 37 years, had 4 kiddos, and now have 7 grandbabies! My parents met at my mom's church when she was 16 and my dad 21. They BELONGED together from the start and have continued all these years to make their love last. My parents have always told us to keep God first in our lives and everything will fall into place. We were raised in a christian home and brought up extrememly well. As a kid/teenager we didn't always agree with my parents, but now looking back...thank the Lord we listened and trusted them. My dad is the HARDEST working father I know. He provided for my family and provided well. We always had what we needed and my parents taught us to except and take pride in everything that we had. We were far from being spoiled. If we broke something...sorry about your luck!! We learned to take care of our things. My mother is the strongest woman I know. She can do ANYTHING a man can do pretty much and has always been the rock of our family. From early on she taught my sister and I how to take care of a household. My sister and I were also taught how to work in the yard!! My parents wanted my brothers to be excellent husbands and fathers and my sister and I to be excellent wives and mothers. We have always been loved and watched our two parents love each other. That means so much in a child's life. If they had arguments, we rarely saw them.

Fast forward 37 years........ they are now the best grandparents in the world. They love our children more than they love us I think!! And let me tell you---our kids think Mom and Dad are angels!! They adore their Nana and Papa.

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