Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 10- Something I'm afraid of

Unfortantly I am a "worry wart" just like my Mother. So I am afraid of stuff all the time. Here are a few things that run through my head:

-Something happening to anyone in my family or losing a family member
-Not raising my children the "right" way
-Losing our jobs
-Having another seizure
-I don't want to see the day where Taydem gets her heart broke
-Someone hurting myself or my family
-I hurt when my friends hurt
-Afraid of going BROKE!
-Afraid of heights
-Afraid of spiders and snakes
-Afraid of having my heart broke, again.
-Afraid of not being loved and having someone to love

I could probably go on some more. But dang, this is depressing me!

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