Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ipod fever

I'm in love with my ipod! I got this last year for Christmas from my parents and it's been the best gift EVER! I am a huge music freak and love all kinds of music. Danin got an ipod this year for Christmas and she wanted all my songs in my itunes library. She knows who has the best! So I decided to shuffle through the first 10 songs and let you all know, what's in my ipod!

Tailor Made- Colbie Caillet
The Good Kind-The Wreckers
Cold Hard Bitch-Jet
One In Every Crowd- Montgomery Gentry
I Can't Get Over You-Julie Roberts
Californication- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
Water Runs Dy- Boyz to Men
Empire State of Mind- Jay-Z and Alicia Keys

And there you have it!

Messed up in the head

That's right, I think I've finally convinced myself that I have lost my mind! What were we thinking doing this boot camp?? Danin and I went last night to get our "assessment" done for the boot camp we are starting on Jan. 4th. We were thinking they were going to talk to us about what the boot camp consisted of, get our measurements, weigh us, etc. Well let me tell you, NONE of that took place. We show up and she tells us to put our name on this piece of paper. We put our name on it and start reading what it says: Mile_____, Pull Ups_____, Push Ups____, planks_____, Steps_____ and Squats____. Um, lady what does this mean?? She said we are getting tested on all this before we start on Monday. I only freaked out about the MILE. I hate running! I hate running! So we had to do the steps first. We had to jump up on these TALL steps for a minute. Our goal was to get 20! OMG, I thought I was going to die 30 seconds into it. Then we had to do push-ups. Our goal -30- in a minute, I only did 18! Then it was the dreaded mile next. We had to run a mile under 9 minutes. I made it in 9:13. I am so out of shape and this little test proved it. So for the next 4 weeks Danin and I will be waking up around 4:30 and hitting the gym for an hour worth of torture. I need this though! If I like it and I can see changes, I will do another one. My sister has already lost 12 pounds since Dec. 5th! Way to Go Sister!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010----> Bring it On!

Wow! Christmas came and went, yet again this year. We had a really good Christmas this year. We got to spread out all of our visits so we weren't rushing around. I hate that! We just got back yesterday from a trip to Mexia and Austin to visit Leven's family. Terri, David and the girls watched Taydem for us on Saturday so we could hang out in Austin on 6th street! Fun fun!

Macy and Misti
Taydem racked up again this year with TONS of toys. She thinks she's a little momma. She has like 6 baby dolls now and carries all of them around the house or pushes them in their stroller. She loves it! One of her babies will talk and cry. I watched her yesterday and she tried to talk back to it saying it's going to be ok, but in her words! Her little expression said it all! So sweet.

Trever is STILL in Cancun. He's going to come back all brown, jealous! But he's having a ball there with his cousins and Grans! Lucky boy! He'll come home to tons of presents on his bed!

Leven is still off from work, jealous again! I hate going to work and looking at him as he lay asleep in our bed! Ugh!

I start a boot camp next Monday. It's Monday-Friday from 5-6 A.M.! Yes A.M! I know I've really lost it now, but I really want to see how well it works. It's ONLY 4 weeks. Danin is doing it with me. She's already lost some weight and is looking good, but she wants to keep going. We get measured tonight and then they will measure us again once it's over! Exciting! Wish me luck!

Monday, December 21, 2009

No No Ho Ho

Taydem is finally at an age where she kind of understands Christmas. She's been helping me wrap presents for about a month now and wants so bad to open them! Friday at her daycare Santa Claus came by to visit all the kiddos. Tay's teacher told me that she was terrfied of Santa and wouldn't even go near him! I wanted to take her on Saturday to get her picture taken with him, but she wasn't having it. So of course I had to get in the picture with them! She looked adorable in her little outfit I had on her too! So now everytime she sees a Santa Clause, she says, "No NO Ho HO!
Tay with her boy Cole
This pic is TINY!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Huh? What did you say?

Taydem is talking more and more these days, but it's so hard to understand her. She gets so frustrated with us, b/c she knows what she's talking about, but we don't have a clue! Yesterday when I picked her up from daycare she saw her bag and started saying, "ships." Well I didn't see any "ships" laying around so I ignored her. Well she started yelling it and getting mad at me. Then she started crying! I finally realized she rememberd there were some "CHIPS" in her bag from the other day. (I can't believe she remembered that first of all!) So when I got them out she looked at me and said, "ships mommie!" I busted out laughing. She was so sure of herself. She's a doll!

Leven leaves today to go hunting in South Texas. He's going to our friend's family's land down there, Patrick Meyer! This is the same place where he killed his deer last year. I told him that he can't hang another one up in the house unless it's bigger than the one we already have hanging up!!!!!! I don't want a house full of deer heads on the walls. He's going to be gone until Sunday.

Trever leaves tomorrow night to stay with his mother for Christmas and then heads to CANCUN on Tuesday with Leven's mom and brother! His three cousins are going too. He's so excited he can't even think straight. I helped him pack last night and he opened presents from us.

So that means, Taydem and I will be home alone for a few days. Tonight I have volleyball practice, tomorrow I think we are going to stay with mom and dad, (mom if you're reading this I hope you don't mind), Saturday I have my company Christmas party and we are going to see Santa after that, Sunday Church and more volleyball practice. So it looks like we are going to stay busy!

I truly love this time of year! I LOVE LOVE to give gifts. Leven and I were on a super tight budget this year since we've built the new house and all. I've really had to do some thinking when buying my gifts. I tried to save a lot of money on SALES!! I did so good yesterday. I bought for 7 people and it cost me $35! I went to Hobby Lobby where pretty much the whole store is 50% off right now!! Yippee!! I love when that happens. So I'm offically finished with my shopping. The only thing I have left to buy is a fish! Yes, a fish. We have an 8 gallon aquarium to fill up with water and put fish in it so Tay can see it Christmas morning. We are only going to start with one fish so I can get the water right! Knowing me the thing will be dead in a week. This tank is pretty big. Hopefully later on we will put about 10 fish in there! Tay loves loves fish! She's going to love it.
Until next time

Thank you Uncle Ed!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh the weather outside is NASTY!

The weather is so nasty right now. It's wet, cold and dreary! Ugh!

This past weekend was so busy for us. ALL day on Saturday I was at the church getting ready for the two performances we had with Point of Grace. All day! We had to get there at 12:45 to have a practice run through before our first performance at 3! Both performances went really well and we got lots of good feedback from everyone. It was just a long day. I didn't get home until almost ten that night. But, WOW, these three woman can SING! Yesterday we went to church, ate at Jucy's, cleaned house, had vball practice and visited with Mike and Ann. They came down and had Christmas with us yesterday since they will be spending it on the beach in Cancun next week. Lucky dogs!! So we got the UNO cards out one more time. And again, played for 3 hours! I was so pooped when I finally hit the sack last night. Leven got a really cool Christmas gift from them this year. It's an OLD OLD photograph of the night Babe Ruth said his goodbye to the crowd at Yankee Stadium. Mike's ex wife got it for him over 20 years ago at an estate sale. He has hung on to it all these years and it's in good shape. They decided to give it to Leven to put in his trophy room! Sweetness! It's not a copy either. It's on old "yellow" looking paper.

"His jersey number 3 was retired at his last appearance at Yankee Stadium on June 13, 1948, which also commemorated the stadium's 25th anniversary"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas time is coming

I feel like I have so much to talk about. Christmas is right around the corner and I'm almost finished with all my shopping. I knocked out 4 gifts yesterday during my lunch break! This weekend Ann and Mike are coming in since they will be in CANCUN along with Trever during Christmas. My church choir is also putting on a Christmas concert with POINT OF GRACE this weekend. I start volleyball practice this Thursday with my club team! Fun Fun!

Last week Leven and I flew to Canby, Oregon to visit his best friend from high school. Chris and his family were awesome! We both said it was one of our favorite vacations. Everyday they had a different tour waiting for us. This is Stephanie, Payton, Kaelynn and Chris Miller
-The first night we were there Chris cooked ribs and they talked about old memories until bedtime!

- Next day we went skiing up on Mt. Hood. Now this was an experience and one we all three will never forget. Leven has NEVER been skiing before. I have been twice, but the last time was 9 years ago. So we get all our gear on and head out on the snow. (It was sooooooooooo pretty that day!) If you have ever walked in snow boots then you understand. If not, well maybe someday you will. But it's not easy at all. We finally get Leven locked in his ski's and we get on the ski lift. Chris thought that the lift we got on would take us up a little ways and drop us off and then if you wanted you could catch another one up there to take you on to the top. Well, he was wrong! We kept going up and up and up and I started freaking out a little I can only imagine what Leven was thinking. When we finally made it to the top we were trying to tell Leven how to get off the lift. To the right was a drop off, cliff you can say, and to the left was a hard turn down a hill. We did NOT want to go off to the right for sure. Leven started flippin out and before you knew it he was down. And he was pissed! He was so mad at Chris for bringing him all the way to the top not knowing how to ski. And there was really no way of teaching him b/c there were no small hills. Every hill we went down was straight down. So needless to say, after Leven fell oh about 10 times he finally said enough is enough and started walking. I really don't blame him. It took us over and hour to get down and he was shaking when he finally sat down. He was sooooooo weak and by this time we were all sweating! He tried to keep a good attitude about it all. So Chris and I went back and did some more skiing. I don't think he will ever try and ski again after this trip. I took some really good pictures at least!
-That night we went to a local bar and watched Oregon and Oregon State play against each other for the Rose Bowl.

-The following day they took us to Silver Creek Falls. This was one of my favorite places. It was an acutal rainforest, just not tropical! We saw about 3 waterfalls that day and did lots of hiking!
-Friday night we went into Portland and had dinner on the 30th floor of a really cool happening restaurant. We had a table right next to the window so we could see all of Portland at night. Very cool and the food was delicious! After dinner we went and watched their cousin play in a playoff football game downtown Portland! The winners would advance to state. His team lost! But still pretty cool!

-Saturday we got up and it was 22 degrees outside and we were headed to the beach, West Coach Beach that is! All the rocks and cliffs were so different than any other beach we had ever gone too. We got tons off good pictures this day as well.
We loved every minute on this trip and we thank the Millers for being such good hosts! I hope to go back soon one day!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Deck the Halls.....Fa la la la la la la la la

Wow! December has rolled around again! This time of year is always so hard to get into the Christmas spirit. I turned my radio to a Christmas station this morning so hopefully that will help. Yesterday we put up our Christmas lights on our house and I put up the tree. I swear Leven is the biggest Scrooge when it comes to decorating for Christmas!!!! Of course, Trever and I try to stay positive the whole time, b/c Leven is so negative! The lights and house look really good. I'm pretty proud of ourselves.

The only thing that bugs me at Christmas time are the bell ringers at EVERY store you walk into! I know that's bad of me, but I hardly have enough money for my own family let alone trying to give to others! Ugh! But I know they are out there for a good reason.

We had a really good Thanksgiving this year. Our family gets bigger every single year. We drove to Mexia on Wednesday and visited with friends and then had Turkey with Leven's dads family the next day. After stuffing our face we headed back to Longview to spend the rest of the afternoon with the loud Anthony family! And yes, we stuffed our faces some more. Ugh! Food was everywhere. Like I said our family gets bigger every year. We have 2 new babies this year for Christmas---Ally and Gage.

I'm so happy for my cousin Peyton (that's Gage's mommie). She hasn't seen her husband, Ted, in over 6 months. He is in the military and was serving his time in Japan and even missed the birth of baby Gage. She finally gets to kiss his face this Wednesday. It brings tears to my eyes as I type!! Yea for the Sparks family!

Leven and I leave early on Wednesday to head to Oregon! We are super excited and can't wait to get there. Cold cold cold! Here we come. We are staying with his friend Chris Miller and his family. We plan on touring, skiing, eating, visiting and just relaxing. My sweet sister and parents are watching over our kiddos while we are gone! THANK YOU DANIN AND CLARK AND VICKI! WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lots of catching up to do

Wow. This past week has really just flown by. I have so much to talk about. Starting with New Moon! Last Thursday, Danin and I decided to meet Natalie at the moves at midnight to watch the crazy crazy New Moon! We really got there about 10:30 to get some good seats. By 11:30, I was starting to fall asleep. Hurry up 12! The movie was really good and I enjoyed every bit of it, but I WILL NOT attend another midnight movie ever again. I'm too old for all that I guess. There were tons of screaming girls, and women, and everyone was walking around in their PJ's. I didn't get to sleep until 3 that night and work came reallllllyyy early.
Friday I helped host a wedding "couples" shower for a good friend of mine from Tatum. We thought we pulled off a pretty good shower. It was a mexican themed party with lots of food and drinks!
Saturday morning Danin and I headed to Houston to visit our family down there. We had so much fun! I didn't have Taydem tugging at my legs and I didn't even have my hubby messing with me! It was so lovely! Thanks to my Mom and Leven for watching Tay!! We stayed with Chelsea, Gus and Lyla. Carl was out of town on a hunting trip. We went out Saturday night and once we got home Chelsea and I danced in her living room like two 12 year old girls until 3:30 in the morning!! Sunday Chelsea hosted a Southern Living party at her house and I was the consultant!! Thanks again Chelsea. The party went so well.
Loads of fun and plenty of rest, but it was so nice to come home and see my tooter poot and my sweet hubby!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

happy birthday peeps

November birthdays consist of Trever's, Danin's, my Meme's and my Papaw's! So Happy Birthday to ya'll! We went to Shreveport this past Saturday to celebrate Danin's birthday. Danin's boyfriend invited us all to hang out. We had a blast, as usual! Started off at Superior's and ended the night at the El Dorado! I think everyone came home a winner for once! So it was a good night overall. On Sunday we all went to Dad's farm to take some Christmas pictures of the kids and had a weenie roast afterwards! We need to start doing that more often. Good times.

Volleyball and football are now over but basketball has begun. Trever's first game is on Friday. He said his team is going to be a joke this year, we'll see!

Thursday-AT MIDNIGHT-we are going to see the New Moon movie! I am so excited about. I'm sure we will be in there with a bunch of young, crazy, hormon racing girls, but who cares! I'm sure I will be acting a fool right along with them! The books were awesome and I'm sure the movies will try and make it just as good!

This weekend Danin and I are heading to Houston to visit my family down there. We get to see them maybe twice a year, if we are lucky three times! Chelsea is hosting a Southern Living party at her house on Sunday and guess who's her consultant!! You guessed it---ME! Danin and I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working Mom

Being a working Mom is not easy. This brings up the topic: Trying to get Taydem potty trained! I think right now she's the only one in her daycare class that is still in diapers. It is so hard to work with her b/c I don't see her until 5 every day. On the weekends (when I should be doing this) I ALWAYS, and let me say that again, I ALWAYS have something going on! I feel that I'm the busiest person alive at times. I didn't want to force potty training on her until she at least sort of kind of understood what was going on. So the past few weeks she's been watching me use the potty and always gets the toilet paper ready for me and says, "teetee" or "poopoo!" So I know she's gettin' it! Last week her teacher told me that everytime one of the kids gets on the potty, Taydem wants to do the same. But she just sits there and sits there. I guess she thinks it's cool or something. So my mother bought Taydem some "big girl" panties and told me just to start working with her whenever I can. Saturday morning we had a couple of hours to kill before we had a wedding shower to go to. First attempt....teetee all over herself! Ugh! But she did say "potty" before. I just didn't get her there in time. So last night we get home and I put some more "big girl" panties on her. I told myself to put her on her potty every 30 minutes and constantly ask if she needs to go potty! Finally I put her on there and she looked at me really strange. Then she stood up and looked in the potty and said "teetee mommie"! I was soooooooo proud of her. This is a big deal to us Mom's! Now, if only I can keep her doing this. At least now she knows what teetee means and what it is!

So now this brings up the topic: Why I wish I was a stay-at-home mom
- I would give Taydem more attention then at the daycare
- Have the house clean every single day
-Have supper cooked every single day
- We could work on potty training
-I could work with her on her colors and speaking better
-We could play outside
-We could read lots of books
-Go to parks
-Have play dates with other stay-at-home moms
-Take NAPS!
-Shop (not that I need to)

I could probably go on and on! But this is how my life will be probably forever, a working mom! Unless we win the lottery or something.

Smile~God love you~

Monday, November 9, 2009

Trever's Birthday

Yesterday Trever turned the big 15! It's so hard to believe this for some reason. I first met him when he was 10 and a lot has happened in 5 years. He's growing up so much, physically and mentally of course! He is smart, athletic, friendly, sensitive, and is still a daddy's boy! It's funny b/c I've always teased Leven about Trever following him and being in his shadow all the time and now Taydem does the same thing to me! Trever chose to eat at Jucy's after church! Yum...Danin and Molly joined us. I made Apple Dumplings for him (one of his favs!) and we attempted to put his basketball goal together. My parents had the pole made and we were to buy the backboard, rim, net, etc. So Dad and Leven put the pole in the ground on Saturday and we had to wait until the cement dried before we could do the rest. So yesterday we got out all the parts, instructions, and tools to put this thing together. We were on a roll and then we ran into a bump! Leven's patience is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad when it comes to putting stuff together. I would almost rather do it by myself instead of putting up with him. So of course, he got mad and walked back in the house and left me and Trever laughing at him. Trever and I figured it out, of course, and Leven cooled off and came back outside to help. Still, we were laughing. So the next step was to put the goal on the pole! OMG! This was another headache. Turns out the pole is smaller at the top and the backboard wouldn't stay tight. We tried everything to make it work. We finally gave up after 5 hours of messing with it! Ugh! Stuff like this is so frustrating!

Tomorrow we are headed to watch the Mexia Ladycats play the Spring Hill Panthers! Go Ladycats....We're gonna Kill Kill Kill, Kill the Hill! That was one of our many chants we use to yell when we played Spring Hill back in the day! They were Tatum's rivals for years! Good luck ladies!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Next on our plate

Leven's girls lost last night in their area playoff game! Another great season for him. Mexia is still in the playoffs and they will play Spring Hill next week! We will for sure go watch that game. We are still rootin for Mexia, even though Spring Hill is a Longview school. So volleyball is officially over....well sort of! I've decided to coach again! Yeah! Leven asked me if I wanted to coach their club team this year and I thought about it and thought about it and decided what the heck! I will be coaching the 15 and unders (which were all the freshmen this year) and it's going to be all Pine Tree kids! Plus it will be a little extra spending me for me and Taydem!!! Yeah for shopping....have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Here are some more of Taydem's pictures she had taken! Leven plays tonight in Mabank for his 2nd playoff game! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Leven's volleyball team had their first playoff game last night against Henderson! And we kicked their hineys! They will probably play again on Thursday! Leven is still getting all that worked out as we speak! Until then...........Have a nice Tuesday!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween at work!

Some of my co-workers decided we should dress up today at work. It was so funny checking out everyone's costumes. I couldn't find anything I liked, that wasn't a sexy outfit! That's pretty much every woman's costume out there these days. So I went to Walmart last night and bought a long black wig and fake eyelashes. I figured I could make something out of that. When I got to work some thought I was a pirate and some thought I was a punk rocker! haha. Here's a few pictures.........Everyone have a safe and exciting weekend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love to Dance

Taydem is so funny when it comes to music. She loves loves loves to dance and of course sing! On Monday nights we love watching our dancing shows: "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Dancing with the Stars!" I had to record her last night dancing. Enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween is here

This past weekend was so wonderful. We did nothing for once! Leven ended up going to the boats early Saturday morning and Taydem and I were lazy all day long. We made some crafts, went to the park and washed clothes. I say "we" because she really does help me when I'm cleaning. She loves to help me! So our craft session was making those marshmellow thingys my cousin Sterling had made. I will have to say, ours didn't look half as cute as Sterlings. Taydem loved it though so that's all that matters, I guess. Now we have like 30 marshmellows on a stick in our kitchen. Saturday was such a pretty day that I took her to the same park she had her birthday. It was crowded. Parties going on everywhere! I had to follow her around to make sure she didn't get run over by all those big crazy kiddos! And of course, she threw a fit when we had to leave.

Yesterday afternoon our church was having their annual "Trunk of Treat" festival. Last year Taydem didn't really know what was going on so I knew this year would be better for her, and ME! I dressed her all up in her cute outfit to show her off! She looked too cute! She had a blast. Everytime she got to reach into a big candy bucket she would only pull out SUCKERS! The messiest candy EVER! I hate suckers! I get to dress her up again on Friday for her school and then of course on Saturday!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bahweeball 8-3

I think Leven's record in district is now 8-3. They won last night against Sulfur Springs. Taydem is trying to repeat everything we say now. She just can't say them correctly. So volleyball is pronounced "Bahweeball!" Leven's sister, Terri, has been visiting us since Monday and it's been a real treat! She had business up here so she jumped on the opportunity to head our way. One thing about Holidays that drives me CRAZY is all the CANDY! I can not control myself. Right now I have Hershey kisses in front of me. They are the caramel kind and I'm addicted! I'm so excited that Taydem can actually get into Halloween this year! I'm so ready to take her from door to door. She's going to be a leopard this year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

She did awesome!

I'm not much of a bragger, but I have to now!

Taydem had her pictures made this past Saturday with Jessica Eubanks (local photographer). I was so worried the whole time b/c last time Jessica took her pics Taydem did horrible and I was so embarressed. I asked Danin to go with me to help entertain Taydem. She did AMAZING! The whole time I kept thinking to myself, WOW, not only is my little girl adorable, but she has the personality to go along with it! She hammed it up the whole time. Danin would strike a pose and Tay would copy. We got so tickled at her. Jessica said that if she were a commercial photographer she would definetly have Taydem's pictures in magazines! She couldn't believe she was just 2, and an early 2 at that! She went ahead and posted two pictures that I could peak at and she said the rest will come in about 2 weeks. I can not wait!
Leven played Hallsville Friday night and seriously took a good ole butt whippin'! It was so BAD! His girls didn't even show up to play. There were so many fans that came out that day to support them too. Trever and some of his friends got painted up to show their support! So needless to say, Leven's girls had 8:00 practice Saturday morning! We are still in second place, which Leven kind of wants to go second just for playoff purposes. He thinks that will be the best route for them.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Leven's team won on Tuesday night and tonight they play big ole undeafted Hallsville! The games on Friday start at 4:30 (b/c of football games afterwards) so I always leave work early to make it there on time. I have to work through my lunch, but it's always worth it! Trever and some of his friends are painting their face for the game! Hopefully their will be tons of support there for the girls and Leven.
Last night Trever had his football game against Hallsville and then afterwards Leven had to run him back for his choir concert. Well, they actually made it to the choir concert on time! The football players got into a big brawl right in the middle of the field. Of course, Trever was talking it all big last night when he got home and Leven said, "Trever you won't get in trouble b/c you were standing behind the coach!" haha, that's a Leven comment for sure! But anyways, they cancelled the rest of the game after the fight! Here's a picture from his concert though.
Tomorrow we are going to watch some of the Texas vs Oklahoma game and then head to Tyler to a big pumpkin patch over there. Taydem will love it! I'll post pics of Monday. Have a happy weekend everyone!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Leven's team is now 6-2 in district. The next 4 games will be played at home so that is a huge advantage for us. Tonight they will face Texas High and then Friday is the BIG game against Hallsville! Right now we are sitting in second place, which is good! Hallsville is undeated.
One of the best parts of my day is dropping Taydem off at daycare. It's really funny, but the past 2 weeks she watches me sign her in and then waits for a kiss from me! It's soooooooo sweet and I just love it!

Trever's football team is 3-0 in district. They are pretty much giving Pine Tree a little bit of HOPE coming up for Varsity in the next few years. He has really enjoyed football this year. He made all A's and 2 89's the first 6 weeks. I can't believe the teachers didn't bump up those 89's!! He goes to tutoring also in these classes every morning. But I will have to say, that's pretty dang good being all advanced classes! Way to go TREVER!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Friday was my 29th birthday. For the first time, I just wasn't feeling this birthday. It's getting way to close now to the BIG 3-0! AND for some reason the BIG 3-0 scares me! Today Mom cooked the best lunch EVER for my birthday and my nephew Aidan's birthday. His was on the 7th and mine on the 9th. My parents really need to hurry up and build their new home fast. There's getting to be too many of us all in one house.

Last night we went to Flight Night. We have really loved going to this since they got it started. Tatum ISD holds this annual event to raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors. They have a silent and live auction, great food/drinks, live band, tons of wonderful folks there and it's out at the airport in Kim Smith's hanger! What more can you ask for. Too me, it's like a wedding with no bride and groom! Plus it's for an awesome cause and they raise tons of money for it every year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Revalation Song

I heart Kari Jobe! I put some of her videos down at the bottom of my page. Check them out! My favorite of course is Revalation Song!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sickness everywhere

I have never used anti-bacterial soap as much as I have lately. Everyone is sick!! Just in my family: Molly is getting better now, Ashby, Truitt, Tucker and now Darin! I am staying far far from Tatum. I'm taking Taydem to the doctor today to get her seasonal flu shot. I honestly can't tell you the last time I had a flu shot or even had the flu! Same with Leven. While teaching I never got the flu shot even being around all those nasty kids. Too many people get the shot and end up with the flu anyways. Keep praying for Brittany's husband Donnie. She said now they have said he has the Swine Flu along with pnuemonia. He is so much better and even opened his eyes this weekend.
I took a picture of Taydem and Trever before church yesterday. Trever is definetly in that awkard stage right now. He's starting to mature and long with maturing comes the pimples, ATTITUDE, and weird squeaky sounds coming from his voice!! I called him a smartass the other day. Ooops! Probably shouldn't have, but I'm not going to let him get an attitude with me! If I let him, he will continue.
Leven has a big week in volleyball. Longview tomorrow night and Marshall on Friday---both away games!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Boas, Tutus and Heels, OH MY!

Taydem loves playing dress up. My cousin Chelsea bought Taydem a hot pink boa for her birthday. At first she wasn't too crazy about the boa, but now she's starting to warm up to it. Last night I got her to put it on so I could take some pictures. I got one shot with it around her neck. She's so wild at night time. I don't know what it is. Lately she's been hitting the bed at 10:00!! She loves to run through the house screaming, loves jumping on the couches and beds, climbing on the chairs, climbing on the window seals (behind the blinds), and loves HIDING! Her new thing is hiding in our closet behind all the pants. She keeps us moving at all times.
Trever gets his first report card today. We have been telling him over and over how important it is to stay in the top 10% in his class. He wants to attend The University of Texas so bad!! So we will see how he did this first round. Tonight is homecoming at Pine Tree. Trever has to sing with the choir at the pep-rally and at the game tonight and then he has to work in the concession stand. He keeps us moving as well.

Tomorrow we are hitting up Canton. I have lived here in East Texas my whole life, practically! And I have never ever been to Canton. I'm pretty excited about it. I've heard to wear tennis shoes and get ready for the crowds! Danin, Mom, and Brandi are going with Taydem and I. And we are heading out early early! I really want to get my Christmas shopping started early this year. I hate waiting until the last minute and not really getting to enjoy my shopping. I hope to find some cute things for my nephews and my new little niece!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ally Austyn Anthony

My baby niece was born yesterday a little before 3:00 pm! She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was actually 3 weeks early, but so far her and Mommie are doing fine. She has a little round face (like the rest of the Anthony's) and tons of light brown hair! Too me she looks like Asbby. I'm so glad they ended up choosing her name as Ally Austyn. They were going back and forth with her name. Dustin wanted Austyn Elizabeth (named after our Meme) and Molly wanted it to be Austyn Ruth (after her Gim). So they decided to not choose either and go with Ally. I really want to call her Ally, but Dustin likes Austyn. So who knows. Here are a few pics of us visiting last night at the hospital. Since she was born 3 weeks early, they have to stay at the hospital a couple days later to just monitor her.

Also I want everyone to keep my friend Brittany and her husband in your prayers. Brittany’s (good friend of mine, plus she does my hair!) husband is in the ICU right now with phenomena. It’s not looking good at the moment. They have a ventilator in him trying to send oxygen to his lungs but his oxygen level is staying at 70%. It needs to be at 98-100%. She just told me that his lungs are starting to get hard so they are mixing water with the oxygen. It started off as the flu. The flu is so bad right now. Don't wait until it's too late to get it checked out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Recent photos

I took these pictures this weekend in Mexia.