Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ally Austyn Anthony

My baby niece was born yesterday a little before 3:00 pm! She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was actually 3 weeks early, but so far her and Mommie are doing fine. She has a little round face (like the rest of the Anthony's) and tons of light brown hair! Too me she looks like Asbby. I'm so glad they ended up choosing her name as Ally Austyn. They were going back and forth with her name. Dustin wanted Austyn Elizabeth (named after our Meme) and Molly wanted it to be Austyn Ruth (after her Gim). So they decided to not choose either and go with Ally. I really want to call her Ally, but Dustin likes Austyn. So who knows. Here are a few pics of us visiting last night at the hospital. Since she was born 3 weeks early, they have to stay at the hospital a couple days later to just monitor her.

Also I want everyone to keep my friend Brittany and her husband in your prayers. Brittany’s (good friend of mine, plus she does my hair!) husband is in the ICU right now with phenomena. It’s not looking good at the moment. They have a ventilator in him trying to send oxygen to his lungs but his oxygen level is staying at 70%. It needs to be at 98-100%. She just told me that his lungs are starting to get hard so they are mixing water with the oxygen. It started off as the flu. The flu is so bad right now. Don't wait until it's too late to get it checked out!

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