Monday, September 28, 2009


Leven's girls won on Friday against Sulphur Springs. They are off on Tuesday and play Mt. Pleasant on Friday. Should be a nice week for Leven.

We went to Mexia this past weekend for a wedding. Leven's friend Jason was getting married in Jewett. This was a different wedding compared to the ones I've had this summer. It was very small, cozy, and sweet! I would describe it as a small town country wedding! We also visited with Leven's parents while we were down.

I have been super busy at work. Leven's always picking on me for being on Facebook and blogging, but here lately I don't even know what Facebook is! Today I didn't even take a lunch break because I was determined to get all my work finished before going home! Now my eyes hurt! I like it though. Staying busy keeps the day going by fast!

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