Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long Busy Weekend

On Friday after work, Taydem and I headed to Leven's volleyball game and then we went to the football game. Taydem is just like every other little girl. She couldn't take her eyes off the cheerleaders. That is so funny to me. She just stared at them all night long and then started clapping and jumping when they did. So sweet. I had to get her picture taken with some of the cheerleaders. This is Taydem with Hanna and AJ. They are both volleyball players too!
On Saturday we headed over to the West's house to let the kids swim and visit with Shelley and her two little girls. Then it was back to our house for the Texas game. We had some people come over that night to watch the game and help us chow down on some wings. We ended the night with a little karaoke!

On Sunday we all headed to church, swam at the lake and ate Mom's delicious dinner! Since Molly has been pregnant all she talked about was Chicken and Dressing. Normally that's just a holiday dish around here, but since she wanted it (and it was her birthday) Mom decided to make it for her! It was really good! We also had green beans, mac and cheese, cucumbers, meatloaf, canolope, and strawberry cake!

I told myself that this week was my week to start back at the gym. I decided the best time for me to go was early in the morning b/c we don't slow down once work is over. I set my alarm last night for 5:30, but forgot to turn the thing on! So 6:15 rolls around and Leven is trying to get me out of bed. It was too late. Cycle was at 6! So I guess I will start tomorrow.
I smell Fall in the air!

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