Sunday, September 13, 2009


Leven's team played their first district game this past Friday. They were opening up with Longview High. We knew that the game would be close, but not that close! Longview's record coming into this game was 23-4. Our record was 11-16. So on paper we weren't looking so hot! We came out on fire! I have never seen these girls pass the ball the way they did that night. They never slowed down the first two games giving us the first two wins! The next two games went to Longview. Longview started getting their serving down and we couldn't pass the ball to save our lives! Ugh. So now we are tied each with two games. The 5th game no kidding went point by point. 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, etc. The final score was seriously 17-15, US! I was so happy for Leven and his girls. They played their hearts out and deserved to win. But just like Leven said, just two points and you either go home happy or sick to you stomach! Way to go Lady Pirates! This picture was taken after we won the second game. Check out my mom standing up in the Tatum "green" shirt! We know who the true supporters are!! haha.

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