Monday, November 9, 2009

Trever's Birthday

Yesterday Trever turned the big 15! It's so hard to believe this for some reason. I first met him when he was 10 and a lot has happened in 5 years. He's growing up so much, physically and mentally of course! He is smart, athletic, friendly, sensitive, and is still a daddy's boy! It's funny b/c I've always teased Leven about Trever following him and being in his shadow all the time and now Taydem does the same thing to me! Trever chose to eat at Jucy's after church! Yum...Danin and Molly joined us. I made Apple Dumplings for him (one of his favs!) and we attempted to put his basketball goal together. My parents had the pole made and we were to buy the backboard, rim, net, etc. So Dad and Leven put the pole in the ground on Saturday and we had to wait until the cement dried before we could do the rest. So yesterday we got out all the parts, instructions, and tools to put this thing together. We were on a roll and then we ran into a bump! Leven's patience is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad when it comes to putting stuff together. I would almost rather do it by myself instead of putting up with him. So of course, he got mad and walked back in the house and left me and Trever laughing at him. Trever and I figured it out, of course, and Leven cooled off and came back outside to help. Still, we were laughing. So the next step was to put the goal on the pole! OMG! This was another headache. Turns out the pole is smaller at the top and the backboard wouldn't stay tight. We tried everything to make it work. We finally gave up after 5 hours of messing with it! Ugh! Stuff like this is so frustrating!

Tomorrow we are headed to watch the Mexia Ladycats play the Spring Hill Panthers! Go Ladycats....We're gonna Kill Kill Kill, Kill the Hill! That was one of our many chants we use to yell when we played Spring Hill back in the day! They were Tatum's rivals for years! Good luck ladies!

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