Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010----> Bring it On!

Wow! Christmas came and went, yet again this year. We had a really good Christmas this year. We got to spread out all of our visits so we weren't rushing around. I hate that! We just got back yesterday from a trip to Mexia and Austin to visit Leven's family. Terri, David and the girls watched Taydem for us on Saturday so we could hang out in Austin on 6th street! Fun fun!

Macy and Misti
Taydem racked up again this year with TONS of toys. She thinks she's a little momma. She has like 6 baby dolls now and carries all of them around the house or pushes them in their stroller. She loves it! One of her babies will talk and cry. I watched her yesterday and she tried to talk back to it saying it's going to be ok, but in her words! Her little expression said it all! So sweet.

Trever is STILL in Cancun. He's going to come back all brown, jealous! But he's having a ball there with his cousins and Grans! Lucky boy! He'll come home to tons of presents on his bed!

Leven is still off from work, jealous again! I hate going to work and looking at him as he lay asleep in our bed! Ugh!

I start a boot camp next Monday. It's Monday-Friday from 5-6 A.M.! Yes A.M! I know I've really lost it now, but I really want to see how well it works. It's ONLY 4 weeks. Danin is doing it with me. She's already lost some weight and is looking good, but she wants to keep going. We get measured tonight and then they will measure us again once it's over! Exciting! Wish me luck!

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