Sunday, October 11, 2009


Friday was my 29th birthday. For the first time, I just wasn't feeling this birthday. It's getting way to close now to the BIG 3-0! AND for some reason the BIG 3-0 scares me! Today Mom cooked the best lunch EVER for my birthday and my nephew Aidan's birthday. His was on the 7th and mine on the 9th. My parents really need to hurry up and build their new home fast. There's getting to be too many of us all in one house.

Last night we went to Flight Night. We have really loved going to this since they got it started. Tatum ISD holds this annual event to raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors. They have a silent and live auction, great food/drinks, live band, tons of wonderful folks there and it's out at the airport in Kim Smith's hanger! What more can you ask for. Too me, it's like a wedding with no bride and groom! Plus it's for an awesome cause and they raise tons of money for it every year.

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