Monday, October 5, 2009

Sickness everywhere

I have never used anti-bacterial soap as much as I have lately. Everyone is sick!! Just in my family: Molly is getting better now, Ashby, Truitt, Tucker and now Darin! I am staying far far from Tatum. I'm taking Taydem to the doctor today to get her seasonal flu shot. I honestly can't tell you the last time I had a flu shot or even had the flu! Same with Leven. While teaching I never got the flu shot even being around all those nasty kids. Too many people get the shot and end up with the flu anyways. Keep praying for Brittany's husband Donnie. She said now they have said he has the Swine Flu along with pnuemonia. He is so much better and even opened his eyes this weekend.
I took a picture of Taydem and Trever before church yesterday. Trever is definetly in that awkard stage right now. He's starting to mature and long with maturing comes the pimples, ATTITUDE, and weird squeaky sounds coming from his voice!! I called him a smartass the other day. Ooops! Probably shouldn't have, but I'm not going to let him get an attitude with me! If I let him, he will continue.
Leven has a big week in volleyball. Longview tomorrow night and Marshall on Friday---both away games!

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