Friday, April 29, 2016

Jumping into the weekend

Molly and I finished Day 10 last night with Insanity.  It's getting easier and and easier.  Working out just makes me feel so much better. 
Leven left this morning to head to Huntsville for the Regional Track Meet at 4:15 am! I know he is tired.  He had two games last night to umpire, so he thought at first that he would just drive down after his last game.  But then decided to go this morning.  He umpired Taydem's game first.  She's been playing pitcher this whole season and she's gotten so much better.  She's catching and throwing really good.  I'm not sure if she will make the All-Star team this year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My parents have been in Tennessee since last weekend.  They were up in Gatlinburg yesterday and my dad gets a kidney stone.  He's had them before and knows exactly what the pain is when one comes on.  They had to cut their trip short in Gatlinburg and head back to Maryville.  Mom says he's laid up this morning waiting on that thing to pass!!! Feel sorry for him!
I have a chance to go to Wyoming for work in the next week or so.  We are waiting to see if the have the green light to go.  That's a state I've never been too.  I'm excited about going but I hate leaving Leven and the girls.  I know he will be fine with them.  Thank goodness Tenlee is older and now that track is finished, it's good timing.  But still, we won't know if we will be gone for 2 days or a week.
The girls and are will head to the wedding rehearsal today.  I will have lots of pictures to share with you on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend.  Rain rain stay away!

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