Monday, April 18, 2016

Lots of Entertainment

The Pat Green concert was fun and he still has it! His voice sounded awesome.  The venue we were at is really neat and I know I'll be making my way back.  It took us just a little under an hour to get there and the food before the concert was also good! Fun night with friends and of course my family. I wished he would've sang a little longer but I'm thinking by the time he finally got on stage he sang for about 90 minutes.  We were really close to the stage and the weather was unbelieveable.  The average age was probably 35! You could tell we all loved Pat while we were back in college.  The only dance floor! But I don't guess everyone likes to dance. 

Saturday morning and early afternoon was spent at the ball park.  My niece Brittyn played at 10:00, Taydem played at 11:30 and my niece Austyn played at 1.  Leven had to umpire 4 games that day.  Another day for some good weather.  I had been wanting to take the girls to the rodeo but I wasn't sure if Leven was going to be up for it because of all the umpiring he did.  He ended up deciding to go (yee-haw!) and so my friend Alicia helped me get a free ticket.  The girls got in free if you brought 3 canned goods each.  So we thought only having to pay for one ticket wasn't bad at all.  While I was waiting outside the gate for Alicia's co worker to bring me her extra ticket, a lady walked up and asked if we needed a ticket by any chance.  Score! So we all 4 got in free! So Leven loaded down on concession foods.  Let's see...popcorn, peanuts, funnel cake, cotton candy and drinks! No lie...he got all of that. The dang wind was blowing pretty good and it was pretty chilly.  We thought we were going to have to leave a little early because Taydem was complaining about being cold.  I can't stand when she gets whiney when we are doing stuff for them.  Suck it up! We could be at home watching TV.  I love going and doing as much as I can with my kids.  They are only little once and when we can take them to local events, I want to do as many as we can afford! I want them to be able to say, "yes I did that as a child!".

We also took the girls to see The Jungle Book after church yesterday.  Tay has been dying to see it and so have we.  We just weren't sure how Tenlee was going to act.  She did soooo good.  And this movie isn't even an animated film and she sat still and watched.  Now there were a few times when she couldn't get still....she wanted in Daddy's lap, back to mine, then over to Taydems, back to mine, etc.  Finally the last 45 mins of the movie, she passed out! Leven and I are pooped out for a while!

We have talked about going to Mexia this weekend.  He was waiting to see if he had any games to umpire on Saturday.  This week will fly by and before we know it, we will be headed towards Central Texas.

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