Wednesday, April 13, 2016

False Alarm

I took Taydem to the doctor this morning to let the doctor examine her and then she needed to do more blood work.  My sweet dad met us up there and he was then going to take her back to Tatum for me and drop her off at school.  He said he needed to be in Tatum anyways at 12 so it worked out.  But my poor dad wasn't feeling good at all.  He ended up still taking her to school and then came home and has been in the bed ever since. 

She did great getting her blood drawn this time.  No tears and just sat there and watched.  Long long story short....her lab work came back perfectly normal.  So if anything, she had some kind of viral infection that just lasted longer than usual.  And now I'm afraid my dad has it and I haven't felt good all day.  I was thinking it was my nerves but beginning to think differently now.  Of course I was happy everything was ok with her but pretty upset with the Hospitality ER we visited on Monday.  When we left there we were thinking Tay was dehydrated and Anemic.  Neither of those were true.  The labs they did on Monday were completly different than the ones today.  I was so upset for taking her there and now feeling even more upset once the bill arrives.  Plus after taking her I have heard nothing but negative things about these types of places.  So I decided to call them and complain a little about what all took place.  I ended up talking to one of the owners and she was so nice.  Again, another long story, but she apologized for how their tests came back and said when we get the bill to call them back.  So after talking with her, I feel a lot better about the whole ordeal. 

Glad my Taytay is ok, but now I'm hoping this passes over me quickly. 

Tay and I were playing with SnapChat while waiting for her name to be called for blood work.  This pictures cracks me up!

 Isn't my mother beautiful?  She's been on a ladies trip the past couple of days and is headed home now.  I guess she gets to come home to a sick hubby!

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