Thursday, April 7, 2016

Feeling good

Yesterday was an ordeal....but the day ended on a good note.

I usually hit up the grocery store on Wednesdays.  I get paid every Wednesday and our company still doesn't do direct deposit so I have to physically go into Longview once a week to deposit my check.  Now I can take a pic of the check and deposit it using my phone, but it's not an instant thing.  I need it in there right then!! So after the bank, I head to Walmart to buy groceries for the week (yes, every week!).  Well as I was putting my groceries in the trunk (I have a trunk now!), my purse was in the way so I put it in the trunk until I got all the bags out of the basket.  Well you can guess what happened next----SHUT THE TRUNK WITH MY PURSE (wallet, phone AND keys!) INSIDE. The minute the trunk shut, it started making a noise.  Letting me know my keys were locked inside.  Well I still had about 5 bags in my buggy because these had cold stuff in them.  I was going to put them in the car.

I was so mad at myself. 

No phone.

So I had to push that buggy back inside and I asked the Eye Vision folks if I could borrow their phone (they weren't busy anyways!).  I called Leven, who then called the Hyundai dealership who then gave Leven the Roadside Assistance number to give to me. seriously...the roadside assisstance wasn't any help.  After the fact....I could have called a dang locksmith myself.  It took 1 hour and 30 minutes before the locksmith came and went.  I was pissed!! I could've driven to Tatum and back (with someone's help of course) got my spare keys and driven back to Longview in the time it took to be assisted by ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE. Now, I'm sure in some cases the assitance is great.  But not for me yesterday.  I finally made it back to work with my cold groceries unthawed groceries at 3:00.  Thankful I have a job that is cool about things like this.  I was so worked up after all of this.

I get home after picking up the girls, unload groceries, put some chicken in the oven to be baked, and then head to the batting cages for Taydem's practice. I just dropped her off this time because I had that chicken in the oven and I wanted to get a workout in plus plant some more flowers. {never enough time in the day for me} Leven had a meeting with the 8th grade parents so he couldn't get the girls after work, but instead swung by the park on his way home and picked Tay up.  It all ended up working out and the day ended good.  I got a good workout in, cooked a fabulous supper for the family and planted about 10 more flowers in the beds.  The night ended with us watching American Idol and Nashville!

Tenlee is so funny when it's time for bed.  The girl still loves and wants to be rocked all the time.  Now she says "Rock" and walks over to the recliner in the living room and hits her hand on the recliner.  Like, lets go Momma! So cute! So I do as I'm told and then girl passes out within 3 minutes tops!

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