Friday, April 8, 2016

Bunko Queens

A group of us ladies in Tatum have put together a Bunko League Game Circle Group.  We will go with Group.  From the beginning when they were trying to find enough women to play, I told them I just couldn't commit.  I was afraid I would never be available.  Well the first time they set up a time, they needed subs because the subs couldn't even make it.  So they asked me and I had nothing going on that night and Leven wasn't umpiring so he could stay home with the girls.  We had the most fun! It was also at our friend Bre's house (she lives 2 doors down) so it worked out perfectly.  Lots of food and drinks and lots of loud screaming! So now I'm part of the Bunko Group.  We only play once a month and it will be at a different house every time.  The one scheduled for April, I can't make because of Taydem's softball game.  I'm bummed! Hopefully in May, I'm back at it.  If you ever get a chance to join a Bunko Group----do it!
 Taydem did soooo good last night at her game.  She's getting better and better.  They only had 8 girls playing last night because of some cheer thing and a few girls had to miss the game.  So with that being said, Taydem got to have more at bats.  She went 3-4.  The last ball she DID hit it, but it went up in the air and the pitcher caught it! Not too many balls are caught at this age because they are still afraid of the ball.  We were all cheering for the girl who caught the ball! But she did hit it! She's been playing pitcher and last night she fielded the ball and threw it to the pitcher 3 times for outs. 
Today the UIL students in 2nd grade got treated to a fun lunch at ChuckECheese. Since she was so close to me (for once), I surprised her.  But after she ate she was too busy trying to get as many tickets as possible to even care that I was there.  I played a few games with her and tried to get some tickets for her and then had to head back to work. 
I'm just glad it's Friday. 
 Hoping to enjoy the evening with a workout and re arranging Tenlee's room. I sold the baby bed and we are meeting the lady tomorrow morning. So I need to break it down tonight and load into truck.  We have a birthday party tomorrow at 12 and then to enjoy the rest of the day with family and friends!

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