Monday, May 2, 2016

My flower girls

The wedding was so beautiful on Saturday night....but the rehearsal on Friday....oh boy!
The rain came down.
On our way to the rehearsal on Friday night, the weather was clear.  All the rain was north of us.  The wedding coordinator was lining up the girls on the steps and the rain hit...and it hit hard and fast! We all ran inside and went over everything as best as they could.  Afterwards, we headed to eat with everyone.  We were all soaking wet once we got inside the restauarant.  My flats were wet!
Squish squish. 
We were eating and Tenlee got choked on a piece of bread.  I sat there watching her for like 3 seconds hoping she was going to cough it back up, but her face started turning red.  So I jumped up, knocked over my tea, and starting beating on her back.  The bread flew up! Whoa...Scary moment and I'm sure I had everyone's attention during this time.  I had no idea because I was so focused on Tenlee.  She was good to go after that.  I was so ready to get home that night.  We drove in hard rain the entire way and tons of roads were starting to flood.
Wedding Day
After the rain on Friday, we were all worried about how Saturday would be. 
It was perfect.  Sunshine and all!
Leven decided to stay home and drive over later because the girls had to get there early and have their hair done and pictures made.  So no big deal....well I had to re route 3 times because of water on the roads were flooded and no one could drive over.  I was freaking out! Thankful Tenlee was asleep during this time but I had Taydem freaking out too. I was mad at Leven for not going, but really I just needed to be mad at someone/ he got it!
GPS is awesome...right?
It finally gave us a good route and we made it just a few minutes late.  Glad I left early!
Lauren {the bride} looked stunning! AND my girls looked so pretty! And they did a good job.  I couldn't believe Tenlee walked down the aisle [lots of bribing I did]! The venue had horses everywhere and Tenlee kept wanting to ride.  So I told her she could ride after she held Taydem's hand and walked down the aisle.  As soon as she did this, she ran over to me and said "RIDE!"  Uh oh....of course I couldn't take her to ride so she threw a fit.  Major fit.  I had to take her back in the bridal suite until the wedding was OVER.  So I missed it all! Bummer.  After it was over, Leven took her over to the fence and she watched and watched.  She loves horses!
I can't wait to see all the pictures from the photographer! But until are some of mine!


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