Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Taydem has one more softball game left in the season (unless they decide to make up 2 of the games that got rained out).  I'm so glad she's playing this sport.  She's learning about being a good team mate, being coachable and what it feels like to compete and win! She's improved so much and can't wait to see her playing in a few years! We aren't doing gymnastics this summer because she will have a busy June and July.  The Tatum Athletics Department hosts a summer camp for all sports in June.  Two days are set aside for each: volleyball, basketball, softball, track and soccer.  She will do this from 9:00 am-11:45 am on these days.  Leven will enjoy getting her there and picking her up. And then in July, she loves going with Leven to his gym.  He opens up the gym for the girls to play vball (on their own of course) and they lift weights and workout.  Getting themselves ready for 2 a days come August. Carthage will also host a volleyball camp at their junior high so Leven will also take her to that.  And then the Tatum Lil Bumper's Program is hosting a camp at the end of June!
Busy busy bees!!

This is a picture of 3 of Leven's ex volleyball players from Pine Tree.  They are all graduating this semester and growing UP!! So crazy how fast life goes by. 
 The short one is getting married in July!
 This is my nephew Truitt! And he hit his first "out of the park" homerun this past weekend!!
Go Truitt!

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