Friday, May 20, 2016

Wyoming continued.... after our excitement at Independence Rock, we got back to driving.  We finally made it to Rock Springs around 3:00 that afternoon.  Checked into our hotel, went and bought hard hats (we didn't want to pack ours in the suitcases), fueled up and headed back to the hotel to wait on the 2 other guys to get back from the field.  While we waited, I jumped on the treadmill for about 30 minutes and did a few free weights.  The guys made it back and we talked about our plan for the next morning.  Wednesday was going to be a long day.  We all knew it!
We started that morning at 5:30 am and rolled back into the hotel parking lot around 8:00 pm.  My day was spent and I was tired.  I had been with Paul since Sunday afternoon.  Pretty much sun up to sun down.  I needed a break from him and the others.  So I stayed in my room Wednesday night. 
I don't even spend that much time with my own husband!! lol
Here are a few pictures from working Wednesday and Thursday---
Prairie dogs and antelope were everywhere!

This was our lunch AND dinner on Wednesday---yummy

Of course we took breaks and these usually consisted of selfies for me or scenery shots


Thursday we finished up around 3:00 pm.  Thank goodness! We all went and had dinner together that night to celebrate how bad ass we are! We finished this job a week early.  Which was super fine by me because I was missing my babies.  Our flight left at 6:00 am Friday morning.  Landed in Denver, waited around 45 mins and then took off again for Dallas.  Once we landed in Dallas we couldn't get on I20 fast enough.  It worked out perfect, because I got back in time to pick Taydem up early from school! She was so excited and so was I!
I missed ole Lev just as much!
I enjoy my job and I'm glad I can do things like this.  I will never EVER see this part of the United States again! I'm also glad I have a husband who can take care of things at home while I'm away. 
Speaking of while I was away.......I missed the big Tatum Primary M&M Program.
I will continue on this next week....
Have a wonderful weekend! Leven and I have a date night planned tonight!

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