Thursday, May 30, 2013


We have one graduating from Kindergarten and one graduating from high school.  I wonder just how many people can say that. This morning Taydem had her little graduating ceremony.  So thankful for her teacher, Katie Davis.  Taydem just loved her class and I'm so happy about that. The year has just flown by.

Candy Crush- By now you all know I'm CA-RAZY about this stupid game.  I've beat all the levels and I've been dying for the them to upgrade the game with more levels.  So what do you know----I got the upgrade this morning! I know, pretty pathetic! Like I don't have enough going on right now.  But it's weird, I play the game at night and it actually relaxes me, my mind! It makes all my stress and worries go away until I eventually fall asleep.  Leven thinks I'm a weird-o!

Tomorrow I'm only working half a day so I can get over to my parents house and start working on Trever's graduation party.  His mom is coming over early so she and I can get everything put together. Hey, there's another one---how many people can say that the child's mom and step-mom actually help each other out---and enjoy themselves!

Here's another sweet note written to Leven:
Coach Barker, I will always love you. I will miss you.  I thank you for putting up with me for the years I've known you.  Thank you for pushing me to be the best I can be.  You always told me I could become a better ball player if I just work hard!  I will miss you saying, "on the bounce!"

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