Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our busy days ahead may be slowing down some. This is our last week with Trever until he is out of the house. This week will be all kinds of emotional!!

This morning the Vball girls gave Leven a going away party. They brought all kinds of breakfast food and made him a picture collage that they all signed. So sweet! Gonna miss this bunch.

My dad has his garden up and running this year. It really is beautiful. He works so hard out in the rows of God's blessings.

Yesterday, I did not stop! Got home from the lake and Trever and I spent 3 hours cleaning his room. After 4 huge bags of trash, 3 huge bags for garage sale stuff and 3 tubs of all his personal stuff we finally finished!! Whoa. I seriously could have a garage sale with just his stuff. Crazy how just 4 years could add up.

After cleaning out all his clothes, Trever had over 50 tshirts. From choir to baseball to basketball and everything in between. So I'm gonna have a lady make a blanket out of about 40 of those shirts! Great idea (Thanks to Tina Shelton for the idea) and Trever will love it. The lady is even gonna have it ready by Friday!!

Love this picture of Leven.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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