Friday, April 29, 2016

Jumping into the weekend

Molly and I finished Day 10 last night with Insanity.  It's getting easier and and easier.  Working out just makes me feel so much better. 
Leven left this morning to head to Huntsville for the Regional Track Meet at 4:15 am! I know he is tired.  He had two games last night to umpire, so he thought at first that he would just drive down after his last game.  But then decided to go this morning.  He umpired Taydem's game first.  She's been playing pitcher this whole season and she's gotten so much better.  She's catching and throwing really good.  I'm not sure if she will make the All-Star team this year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
My parents have been in Tennessee since last weekend.  They were up in Gatlinburg yesterday and my dad gets a kidney stone.  He's had them before and knows exactly what the pain is when one comes on.  They had to cut their trip short in Gatlinburg and head back to Maryville.  Mom says he's laid up this morning waiting on that thing to pass!!! Feel sorry for him!
I have a chance to go to Wyoming for work in the next week or so.  We are waiting to see if the have the green light to go.  That's a state I've never been too.  I'm excited about going but I hate leaving Leven and the girls.  I know he will be fine with them.  Thank goodness Tenlee is older and now that track is finished, it's good timing.  But still, we won't know if we will be gone for 2 days or a week.
The girls and are will head to the wedding rehearsal today.  I will have lots of pictures to share with you on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend.  Rain rain stay away!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Curious Cat

Tenlee is my curious, sneaky, get into everything child! OH my...we had a day with her on Sunday.  If she's ever quiet, she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing.  Taydem was NEVER like this! So let me tell you about her "terrible 2" crazies that happened on Sunday.
1- She got into my spice cabinet (It's actually a pull out cabinet next to the stove.  Yes, its down low where she can reach and yes this is mostly my fault!). She took out the onion powder (still wondering how she opened it) and emptied the entire bottle.  All.Of.It! She had it in the kitchen, in the window seals, in the recliner and all over the living room floor.  The house stunk so bad.  It took me like 20 minutes to clean this crap up! She's crying in the picture because her butt got spanked for it!
Let me remind you, this was about 8:30 that morning! Way to start off the day.....
2- Not even 10 minutes later, she has unzipped the couch pillow and started taking out the stuffing.  White cotton stuffing all over the floor! Pop # 2 on that butt.
3- Her and Taydem head for the bath (she stunk and the onion powder made her face break out). We are filling up the tub and Tenlee decides to throw a new roll of toilet paper in the toilet! OMG
4- Later that afternoon, she finds Taydem's gaterade and decides to pour it all over her and the floor.  Happy it was the living room floor and not any carpet/rugs!
5- She finds a marker in a drawer and decides to use it like lipstick.  She did pretty good with it too.  Pink on the bottom lip.
And this was all in one day!
And I can forget about trying to watch Taydem's softball games.  I don't even think about bringing a chair because I wouldn't stay in it for 2 minutes.  I hate that I can't visit with people because I'm constanly keeping her in my view.  So I feel like I'm not paying enough attention when people talk to me.  I popped her butt 2 times last night at the game.  She wouldn't quit climbing on the bleachers.  She got up to the 3rd row two times.  I told her if she did it again then she's getting a spankin! Well, she did it again and you have to do what you tell them or they will call you bluff eventually.  So I spanked her butt and then she went to crying---LOUD.  Everyone was staring, but I don't care! She didn't climb on those bleachers again! It would take one slip and down she would go and probably slice of the head or even worse.  They will learn! It just sucks being the bad guy.  I never spanked Taydem from ages 5-7 (she got spanked not to long ago) because I didn't have too.  She knew right from wrong and she knew when we would get mad! It's been wonderful. 
 I just pray Tenlee follows suit!
Molly and I started the Insanity videos last monday and we haven't skipped a day yet! You workout to these videos 6 days a week for 8 weeks! I figured this was perfect timing for me because we go to Cabo in 7 weeks. It's nice to have someone push you!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Animal House

This weekend we wanted to take the girls to Mexia to see their grandparents, but that never happened.  So instead I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and go to the Tyler Zoo.  My sister wanted to bring her girls as well so we made it a day.  The girls loved it.  The female and male lion even got up and moved around some.  That never happens when we are there.  The female lion ran and jumped on the male.  So we got a little excitement!
 Home Depot also was there giving away a little craft piece all the kids could put together.  They ran out of flowers right before Taydem turned hers in.  One of the workers gave her flower to Taydem.  So sweet.  Brittyn didn't even care or that worked out.  First thing we did when we got home was plant her flower in the flowerbed! 
The spring time is always the perfect time to go to the zoo.  I can't even imagine going when it's 90+ outside.  Hot and gross! They were doing some construction around the elephant, giraffe, zebra section so it will be nice to see it finished.  Probably head back in 4 more years! lol


The Bunko group is getting back together tonight.  I hate that I won't be there! Taydem has a game tonight, Thursday night and Saturday.  We are almost fnished with softball this season.  She will miss team pictures on Saturday and her game because of the wedding her and Tenlee are in!
Excited and NERVOUS about the wedding! Both girls are getting their hair done and then pictures with the bride. Just nervous Tenlee will act a fool! bahahaha

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Feelin a change coming on

My hair is long. Straight. Blah.  I get tired of it really fast so I tend to change up the colors here and there.  I've been sporting the ombre look for awhile now, but it's pretty simple. Blends well which is nice but it's not that drastic looking.  So I'm thinking I want to cut about 3-4 inches off (eeeek) and then make the ombre a little more brighter. I have an appointment on May 3rd. My sister has been bragging about her hairdresser for some time now.  And my girl is cutting back on her hours so I thought this may be a good time to try out Danin's girl.  We shall see.  I'll do a before and after for sure. These are the two styles I'm going to show her.
Do you like CHANGE? Hey, it's hair.  It will at least grow back!

I started back on my workouts on Monday.  Let's just say I can hardly walk.  Molly and I are doing the vidoes together. Insanity! Sore sore sore! My calves feel like they are going to explode.  Soreness for me is a love/hate thing.  I love that I know my body was getting a good workout but hate that it hurts! Push through the pain Devin.  This time next week I will be looking like a supermodel fit momma! I'm still loving my FitBit. Do you have one?
So my boss has an Eagle's nest in a tall tree in his yard! Now that's cool.  While we are out there, we saw the Momma Eagle fly down to the two babies in the nest.  Baby Eagle's are kind of ugly.  Their feathers are different color browns and they don't have the white head yet.
Do you see the nest??
My cousin Chelsea had her baby last Thursday night! We have a new baby to love up one! Cade Gibson.  He's a cutie (of course!).  I still haven't held him yet.  Ready to get my hands on him.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cabo in the future

Leven and I are going to Cabo to celebrate 10 years of marriage in June! Seriously CAN NOT WAIT! Which means I have about 7.5 weeks to get this body lookin right. 

I decided yesterday to hang up selling for Beachbody.  It was fun while it lasted and I'm always proud of myself for trying new things, but it just wasn't for me.  I don't have enough time to put my whole heart into something like that.  I learned a lot and will continue drinking the shakes.  I have always stayed around the same weight and know what I can and can't eat to make my weight go up and come back down.  I'm lucky for this.  Because I can always stay around the same weight.  But right now, I really just want to tone my body.  This is my goal..... 7.5 weeks of it!

We are still waiting on Family Feud to call us.....we may be waiting for a long time! bahahaha

Hey look...a picture of Trever popped up on a social media feed.  This never here's your lucky day getting to see a random picture of him! You're welcome
Have I mentioned that Taydem and Tenlee are going to be flower girls in a wedding next weekend? Tay will be beautiful and perfect....we all need to pray for Tenlee!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Lots of Entertainment

The Pat Green concert was fun and he still has it! His voice sounded awesome.  The venue we were at is really neat and I know I'll be making my way back.  It took us just a little under an hour to get there and the food before the concert was also good! Fun night with friends and of course my family. I wished he would've sang a little longer but I'm thinking by the time he finally got on stage he sang for about 90 minutes.  We were really close to the stage and the weather was unbelieveable.  The average age was probably 35! You could tell we all loved Pat while we were back in college.  The only dance floor! But I don't guess everyone likes to dance. 

Saturday morning and early afternoon was spent at the ball park.  My niece Brittyn played at 10:00, Taydem played at 11:30 and my niece Austyn played at 1.  Leven had to umpire 4 games that day.  Another day for some good weather.  I had been wanting to take the girls to the rodeo but I wasn't sure if Leven was going to be up for it because of all the umpiring he did.  He ended up deciding to go (yee-haw!) and so my friend Alicia helped me get a free ticket.  The girls got in free if you brought 3 canned goods each.  So we thought only having to pay for one ticket wasn't bad at all.  While I was waiting outside the gate for Alicia's co worker to bring me her extra ticket, a lady walked up and asked if we needed a ticket by any chance.  Score! So we all 4 got in free! So Leven loaded down on concession foods.  Let's see...popcorn, peanuts, funnel cake, cotton candy and drinks! No lie...he got all of that. The dang wind was blowing pretty good and it was pretty chilly.  We thought we were going to have to leave a little early because Taydem was complaining about being cold.  I can't stand when she gets whiney when we are doing stuff for them.  Suck it up! We could be at home watching TV.  I love going and doing as much as I can with my kids.  They are only little once and when we can take them to local events, I want to do as many as we can afford! I want them to be able to say, "yes I did that as a child!".

We also took the girls to see The Jungle Book after church yesterday.  Tay has been dying to see it and so have we.  We just weren't sure how Tenlee was going to act.  She did soooo good.  And this movie isn't even an animated film and she sat still and watched.  Now there were a few times when she couldn't get still....she wanted in Daddy's lap, back to mine, then over to Taydems, back to mine, etc.  Finally the last 45 mins of the movie, she passed out! Leven and I are pooped out for a while!

We have talked about going to Mexia this weekend.  He was waiting to see if he had any games to umpire on Saturday.  This week will fly by and before we know it, we will be headed towards Central Texas.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Can we start over?

This week has been ROUGH with a capital R! Tay has been sick all week.  Just on and off.  It was the craziest virus, bug, infection...whatever you want to call it. My dad ended up sick and then I got sick Wednesday afternoon.  I stayed home from work yesterday and never got out of the bed.  Only to make myself a bowl of soup.  I started feeling better last night and this morning I feel even better.  I don't think I'm normal yet.  Hoping after lunch I will start feeling back to myself again.  I'm just thankful Leven and Tenlee didn't get it as well.

I'm excited about tonight (so glad I'm feeling better!!).  We are headed to Shreveport tonight to see Pat Green in concert.  We are celebrating a friends birthday. We were going to celebrate tomorrow night but found out about Pat Green singing tonight.  So we changed the plans just a little bit.  Which is fine by me.  They are all eating before but Leven and I won't get there as earlier as them.  I need to work a full day today!

This place also has a retaurant attached to it.  They say it's some good food! I told them to save us a seat and save us some leftovers, haha!

The girls are staying at my parents house tonight because I'm sure we will get home pretty late.  Taydem has a softball game tomorrow at 11:30 and I think Leven is umpiring 4 games tomorrow.  He will be worn out.  Another reason I'm glad they switched nights.

We are dying to take Taydem to see The Jungle Book.  I think we are going to try and see it after church on Sunday.  Hoping Tenlee will be still enough and watch it all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

False Alarm

I took Taydem to the doctor this morning to let the doctor examine her and then she needed to do more blood work.  My sweet dad met us up there and he was then going to take her back to Tatum for me and drop her off at school.  He said he needed to be in Tatum anyways at 12 so it worked out.  But my poor dad wasn't feeling good at all.  He ended up still taking her to school and then came home and has been in the bed ever since. 

She did great getting her blood drawn this time.  No tears and just sat there and watched.  Long long story short....her lab work came back perfectly normal.  So if anything, she had some kind of viral infection that just lasted longer than usual.  And now I'm afraid my dad has it and I haven't felt good all day.  I was thinking it was my nerves but beginning to think differently now.  Of course I was happy everything was ok with her but pretty upset with the Hospitality ER we visited on Monday.  When we left there we were thinking Tay was dehydrated and Anemic.  Neither of those were true.  The labs they did on Monday were completly different than the ones today.  I was so upset for taking her there and now feeling even more upset once the bill arrives.  Plus after taking her I have heard nothing but negative things about these types of places.  So I decided to call them and complain a little about what all took place.  I ended up talking to one of the owners and she was so nice.  Again, another long story, but she apologized for how their tests came back and said when we get the bill to call them back.  So after talking with her, I feel a lot better about the whole ordeal. 

Glad my Taytay is ok, but now I'm hoping this passes over me quickly. 

Tay and I were playing with SnapChat while waiting for her name to be called for blood work.  This pictures cracks me up!

 Isn't my mother beautiful?  She's been on a ladies trip the past couple of days and is headed home now.  I guess she gets to come home to a sick hubby!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our big girl....

....hasn't been feeling good these past few days.  Sunday morning she woke us up around 7:00 am telling us she felt like throwing up and she couldn't breathe very well and that her chest was hurting.  Her nose was pretty stopped up from allergies so I just assumed this is why she couldn't breathe well.  The nausea went away and I gave her a breathing treatment hoping this would help clear her chest up.  She said she felt a little better and she laid around until it was time for the next breathing treatment. After this treatment, she went back to sleep for a couple of hours.  When she woke up she said it felt like someone hit her in the chest and her heart rate was really getting it! This is what worried me the most.  She wasn't acting herself, she was pale and had no energy.  She ended up going to sleep that night feeling ok.  She woke us up at 1:30 am crying and telling us she felt like throwing up again.  She never did and ended up sleeping on our bathroom floor next to the toilet.  The next day I couldn't wait to be able to call her doctor and set up an appointment.  Of course, I couldn't ever get them to answer the phone or call me back so I just went ahead and drove into Longview hoping they would call me on the way.  They never did so I took her to this new ER place (I don't even want to see my bill!).  But I was still worried about her fast heart rate and chest hurting her. 

After every test they could possibly take, including having to poke her twice for blood work (episode! She did better than any other 8 year old I promise, but it still hurt her!), her blood work comes back showing that her hemoglobin count and her red and white blood cell counts were all low.  So the doctor there says she looks to be anemic.  Which I have heard of people being anemic but I didn't think it was this extreme.  He called her regular doctor and he scheduled us to come back on Wednesday morning for more blood work (poor Tay!).  The labs at the Diagnositc Clinic are better and will help us pinpoint exactly what is going on and why her counts are so low.  Pray that everything is ok and that all she will need are some iron suppliments. 

They also said she was dehydrated yesterday and gave her two bags of fluid.  Which sounds crazy to me because Taydem drinks and eats well.  They said this is why she was feeling nausea.  Makes sense.

She went back to school this morning, but by 1:00 she was back in the nurse's office crying of chest pains and wanting to lie down.  Leven went and picked her up at 2:00.  Hoping for some answers in the morning.

Trever had his first interview today at lunch with a company that might use him as an intern this summer.  He said it went well and now he will need to interview with the head guy.  He also sent me this picture yesterday.
He said the average on the test was a 30.  He made a 45 and so the professor gave them all a 40 point curve! Good gosh.  I can't even imagine taking a test like this! Go Trever

Saturday night we headed to Shreveport to eat.  It's always a good time to get away for the night.  Our cousin Whitney came with us! Had a good time.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Bunko Queens

A group of us ladies in Tatum have put together a Bunko League Game Circle Group.  We will go with Group.  From the beginning when they were trying to find enough women to play, I told them I just couldn't commit.  I was afraid I would never be available.  Well the first time they set up a time, they needed subs because the subs couldn't even make it.  So they asked me and I had nothing going on that night and Leven wasn't umpiring so he could stay home with the girls.  We had the most fun! It was also at our friend Bre's house (she lives 2 doors down) so it worked out perfectly.  Lots of food and drinks and lots of loud screaming! So now I'm part of the Bunko Group.  We only play once a month and it will be at a different house every time.  The one scheduled for April, I can't make because of Taydem's softball game.  I'm bummed! Hopefully in May, I'm back at it.  If you ever get a chance to join a Bunko Group----do it!
 Taydem did soooo good last night at her game.  She's getting better and better.  They only had 8 girls playing last night because of some cheer thing and a few girls had to miss the game.  So with that being said, Taydem got to have more at bats.  She went 3-4.  The last ball she DID hit it, but it went up in the air and the pitcher caught it! Not too many balls are caught at this age because they are still afraid of the ball.  We were all cheering for the girl who caught the ball! But she did hit it! She's been playing pitcher and last night she fielded the ball and threw it to the pitcher 3 times for outs. 
Today the UIL students in 2nd grade got treated to a fun lunch at ChuckECheese. Since she was so close to me (for once), I surprised her.  But after she ate she was too busy trying to get as many tickets as possible to even care that I was there.  I played a few games with her and tried to get some tickets for her and then had to head back to work. 
I'm just glad it's Friday. 
 Hoping to enjoy the evening with a workout and re arranging Tenlee's room. I sold the baby bed and we are meeting the lady tomorrow morning. So I need to break it down tonight and load into truck.  We have a birthday party tomorrow at 12 and then to enjoy the rest of the day with family and friends!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Feeling good

Yesterday was an ordeal....but the day ended on a good note.

I usually hit up the grocery store on Wednesdays.  I get paid every Wednesday and our company still doesn't do direct deposit so I have to physically go into Longview once a week to deposit my check.  Now I can take a pic of the check and deposit it using my phone, but it's not an instant thing.  I need it in there right then!! So after the bank, I head to Walmart to buy groceries for the week (yes, every week!).  Well as I was putting my groceries in the trunk (I have a trunk now!), my purse was in the way so I put it in the trunk until I got all the bags out of the basket.  Well you can guess what happened next----SHUT THE TRUNK WITH MY PURSE (wallet, phone AND keys!) INSIDE. The minute the trunk shut, it started making a noise.  Letting me know my keys were locked inside.  Well I still had about 5 bags in my buggy because these had cold stuff in them.  I was going to put them in the car.

I was so mad at myself. 

No phone.

So I had to push that buggy back inside and I asked the Eye Vision folks if I could borrow their phone (they weren't busy anyways!).  I called Leven, who then called the Hyundai dealership who then gave Leven the Roadside Assistance number to give to me. seriously...the roadside assisstance wasn't any help.  After the fact....I could have called a dang locksmith myself.  It took 1 hour and 30 minutes before the locksmith came and went.  I was pissed!! I could've driven to Tatum and back (with someone's help of course) got my spare keys and driven back to Longview in the time it took to be assisted by ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE. Now, I'm sure in some cases the assitance is great.  But not for me yesterday.  I finally made it back to work with my cold groceries unthawed groceries at 3:00.  Thankful I have a job that is cool about things like this.  I was so worked up after all of this.

I get home after picking up the girls, unload groceries, put some chicken in the oven to be baked, and then head to the batting cages for Taydem's practice. I just dropped her off this time because I had that chicken in the oven and I wanted to get a workout in plus plant some more flowers. {never enough time in the day for me} Leven had a meeting with the 8th grade parents so he couldn't get the girls after work, but instead swung by the park on his way home and picked Tay up.  It all ended up working out and the day ended good.  I got a good workout in, cooked a fabulous supper for the family and planted about 10 more flowers in the beds.  The night ended with us watching American Idol and Nashville!

Tenlee is so funny when it's time for bed.  The girl still loves and wants to be rocked all the time.  Now she says "Rock" and walks over to the recliner in the living room and hits her hand on the recliner.  Like, lets go Momma! So cute! So I do as I'm told and then girl passes out within 3 minutes tops!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Last Saturday night The Tatum Ex Students Association held a Daddy/Daughter dance.  Taydem has been waiting for this! Being that this was the first year, Leven said it was packed, too packed! They held it at the Elemenatary Cafeteria but next year it may need to be moved to a bigger place.  I really think having grades K-5 was just too many all at once.  Taydem said she only got to dance with Leven twice and then 3 other times with all her friends.  They had a dance contest with every grade.  Leven said that took forever!! So they may want to take that part out.  Watching all the Kinders dance, then 1st grade, on up to 5th grade.  That would take a while.  He said all the decorations were really nice! And they had a photographer there taking pics of the Dads with their daughters.  Love this idea.  I'm just happy it was put on! I loved seeing all the little girls dressed up.  Taydem looked beautiful! She is just so photogenic.  Love her to pieces!

Leven has been umpiring a lot lately! I'm glad he's enjoying it.
Trever is in search of an internship job this summer!
And Tenlee is getting way to much personality TOO quick! She's so funny.  And she sat on the pot last night and went teetee.  WAT??