Monday, August 31, 2015

Just not long enough

I wish we had one more day for the weekend.  It just goes by too fast.  Taydem had her first double header for softball on Saturday.  It was a long HOT day.  Tenlee did end up falling asleep in her stroller for about 30 mins (not long enough).  After her games, we headed over to the splash pad which is right there by the ball fields.  We only lasted there about 45 mins before she was saying she was tired and ready to head home.  I wasn't going to complain about that at all.  Momma was also worn out! Leven spent all day Saturday in Forney for his last Varsity tournament.  Another great tournament for he and those girls.  They ended up 2nd out of 30 teams! Leven was also tired when he finally made it home.  Sunday was spent going to church and trying to relax the rest of the day.  Taydem and I did work on some softball skills a little bit last night and I got a good run in.


Friday, August 28, 2015

I can't get enough of these two.  Taydem was born to be a big sister! And I'm so thankful she's Tenlee's.  She is so patient with Tenlee and plays so well with her.  If Tenlee starts fussing, Tay will go make her something to drink in one of her sippy cups.  She doesn't even have to be told!  The age that Tenlee is at right now just amazes me.  I pick her up from daycare every day and there's something new she's doing.  She makes about 50 different faces and just cracks us up.  I could eat her up with the cuteness she puts out!
Taydem has her first double header fall softball game tomorrow.  We will probably get killed because these games were literally thrown at us on Tuesday.  We barely had enough time to get some jerseys for the girls. 
Leven's team won both their pool play games in the Forney tournament on Thursday and then won their first bracket game.  They will finish tomorrow! Hoping for another 1st place trophy!

Happy Friday! It's the weekend and the temps have already started going down outside! I love fall weather!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The big 8

Taydem had a wonderful weekend celebrating her birthday.  Friday night she and 4 of her friends danced, ate pizza and cake, laughed, made crowns for their heads and their dolls, sang, and laughed some more.  She was all smiles the entire time.  Then on Saturday we spent the majority of the day in a gym watching Leven's team whip up on some other teams.  They ended up winning 1st in the tournament.  Awesome tournament for these girls.  Sunday, Grans drove up to visit us for the day and to bring Taydem goodies for her birthday.  The girl is 8! :(

My Aunt and Uncle brought our patio furniture in this past weekend also.  And it's so perfect! I need a rug and then I'm done until next Spring. 
The first day of 2nd grade was on Monday.  Nothing really changes in our routine.  I guess this is a plus for me being a working Mom.  Took the girls to school and headed on to work! The only difference now is our night time routine. 

I tried to get Trever to send me a first day picture of him up in Lubbock... but I was unsuccessful! He's starting his junior year! This semester is probably the most important for him.  It will decide if he gets into the Petroleum Engineering department for the spring. 
Our family picture from the Carthage Media Day.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Shake it up

So now that I'm selling Beachbody products, I constantly have group text messages going and then individual texts going.  Some of the girls that have bought Shakeology from me, we take a picture of ourselves every morning and send to each other.  It helps us hold ourselves accountable.  I'm sure the girls probably think I'm crazy, but it helps me.  I know they are depending on me and they know I'm depending on them.  So it works out. I can really see how being apart of this company can do well for a person and be successful.  But working 8-5, volleyball games 2 nights a week, then softball the other 2 nights....I just don't have enough time in the day to focus on it.  I'm going to keep posting videos and pictures of what I'm doing.  I just hope I'm motivating someone out in the social media world!
Here's a few of my recent pics!
You can see when I drink my shake----> on my way to work! These shakes are sooo good to me.  I get my chocolate fix and everything! I don't snack before lunch because its so filling and holds me over until about 1!.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's all ours

This morning Leven and I closed on our house.  This has been another ride we got to experience together.  I love this house more than anything and I'm so happy to now say IT'S OURS, ALL OURS!! Again, thankful for my parents.  These last 9 years with Leven....we have done a lot.  More than I would have ever guessed.
Of course he didn't want to take a pic.  He's got volleyball on his mind and STAYS on that phone!

For Taydem's birthday this year, she wanted to have her first slumber party.  Eeeek! So we let her invite just 4 other girls (didn't want too many this first time!).  So this morning she's telling me what all is gonna take place on Friday night.  We are having a "dance party" and making some crowns.  So I was informed that I needed to go buy some supplies to make crowns.  I'm also going to take them up to my brother's house to let them swim for about an hour.  Then pizza and cake when we get back home.  She's so excited to be turning 8! I will take lots of pictures. 
Bring on the giggles!
The past two years I have ordered tons of shirts for the Carthage parents/girls.  I decided not to do it this year because it's a lot of work and I honestly I ain't got time this year! So I wanted to get myself a hat made because I am a hat wearing/ponytail type of girl.  Well these hats turned out so cute that I had to share with the volleyball facebook page. 
Cute, right?
 Yesterday afternoon I had a rough few hours.  I started to question God and just ask "why?"  I know God is in control but sometimes you just feel like he's testing you.  I prayed and prayed about it all night and today it's been a 180.  Today in my Jesus Calling book it says, "When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me!  Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence."
One word---Wow

Monday, August 17, 2015


Last week I got some pretty good deals on some stuff.  First I found a patio furniture set for only $150!! I thought the price was wrong at first.  But nope.  It comes with a coffee table, love seat, and two glider chairs.  I found it in the classifieds down in The Woodlands.  So I called my Aunt and she went and picked it up for me! And then, Dad called me on Saturday to tell me that I needed to come to this estate sale auction that was going on just outside of Tatum.  I knew about this auction, but honestly didn't think anything was going to be there for us.  So I decided to load up the girls and head out there.  I ended up coming home with 3 large plants already in nice pots.  Leven didn't understand the awesome deal I got on these plants.  I paid $125 for all three.  Normally a pot would cost that much! We went and picked them up yesterday.  I put two on the back porch and one is off of the garage in a corner that was bare!! This plant goes perfect there. I was pretty excited about these finds!
Leven's team did awesome in the Garland tournament this past weekend.  They got 4th out of 29 teams.  Leven has been going to this tournament for about 8 years and this has been the best his teams have ever done.  Proud of him! I know he was happy. 

Taydem turns 8 on Saturday. 8!!!!! She has changed so much in a year.  I can only imagine what these next two years will be like.  Friday night she's having 4 girls spend the night.  Her first slumber party and let me tell you........she's excited!! 
Trever kicked butt this past summer session! He made all A's and this includes the class Thermodynamics.  Super proud of him!
Taydem is always taking care of Tenlee.  She had something in her hair in this pic!

Pawpaw and his girls

We love our Aunt Terri.  This was at her wedding!



Thursday, August 13, 2015

The results are in.......

and as a group of 12, we lost 56 pounds!! I couldn't be more happy with these results.  Everyone challenged themselves and worked so hard.  Remember, 3 days total.  Anyone can do this if you get your mind right and have supportive friends motivating you all day everyday! I love the whole idea of the "Challenge Group!"  Being a part of a group message all day laughing and motivating helped so much.  I will def do another Challenge Group in the future but of a different kind.  Congrats Friends AND Family! We did good.

Tonight I'm going to get back into my Insanity videos.  These past 3 nights I've only walked (2 miles every night) because we didn't have that much energy to do anything extreme.  The videos are huge for me.  You honestly start seeing your body transform. 
Leven and his team are in the BIG Garland tournament this weekend.  This is one of the biggest in the state.  I hope they go and at least compete!
Happy Thursday folks.  Make it a bright day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Make a change

The Lady Dawg's whooped up on John Tyler last night!  All three of our teams swept them! Here's a nice article that was in the paper yesterday about Leven and his team.

Last day of the 3 Day Refresh is in the works.  Yesterday wasn't bad at all.  I'm sitting here thinking to myself...the last 2 days I haven't eaten dairy, sweets, bread or meats! I don't think I have ever done this.  So if anything, I'm proud of myself for doing something out of my comfort zone.  I love challenging myself.  Now, I pray the scale says SOMETHING!!  This is a really good program to have on hand when needed for a big event or for anything that you want to feel good or look good about yourself.  Just 3 days!! And remember it's on sale this month when you buy a Challenge Pack-Shakeology + 3 Day Refresh.

These are pictures that my group have been sending me!
 So glad I have some support during this.  We keep it fun!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

3 Day Refresh

So we started the 3 Day Refresh yesterday.  And yesterday was a killer.  We drink our Shakeology shake for breakfast and then mid morning we get a cup of the Fiber Sweep.  This drink is pretty easy to chug down.  Then for lunch we get one fruit and one vegetable.  Depending on the fruit and vegetable you choose, there's a limit to how much you can eat.  We also get the Vanilla drink.  Sounds good, right?? Negative! I gagged the entire time drinking this drink.  You also have to drink another vanilla drink for supper.  I tried blending it the second time.  It was better, but still...gag! For supper we have the drink and only one dinner recipe which consists of all veggies! I'm so glad I'm in this group because all day we took pictures of ourselves and talked about it.  Lots of motivation for one another.  It's just 3 days.  I am so ready to see everyone's results come Thursday morning.  I weighed myself Sunday night and I weighed 142.6.  I wrote it down on my 3DR booklet.  My brother Dustin and brother in law, Eric are also doing it with all of us ladies.  They will probably lose the most! I just hope I can continue with this "healthy" way of eating once this is all over.  Maybe not this extreme, but pretty close.
Leven on the other hand has lost 17 lbs in 3 weeks because of volleyball.  Crazy!
He has his first official game tonight in Carthage against John Tyler.  Tenlee is going to be a handful for me this season.  She will not just sit in my lap anymore.  She wants to go and go.  Taydem is the best by helping me but I wanna watch the game! So she will probably get left at home some this season. 
On Saturday morning, we woke up early and headed to Carthage for Media Day.  Every fall sports team shows up at different times and has their pictures taken for the football program and team pictures for the year.  So our family has to have our picture taken for the football program.  I took some cute ones of the girls!

This is the sweetest picture of Tenlee.  I took it yesterday morning as they were digging in the cinnamon powder donuts bag.  Which we found out that Tenlee LOVES. 
She woke up with her hair flipping out like this.  So dang cute!
Tay and Julia- BFF

These girls are gonna have some fun together.  16 months old!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

So far I've had 3 bottles of water and then my shake for breakfast! Go Devin Go! I never drink enough water and some days I go through the entire day without having to use the restroom (I know, I know! NOT good).  I love when I get my mind right.  When I tell myself I'm going to do something, I do it!  It just makes me feel good.  I did my Insanity Max 30 workout last night and then walked/ran with Danin once the sun went down.  I also sold two Challenge Packs yesterday.  What what!  Motivation is key.  And social media helps us with this.  I get motivated every time I see my friends or family eating healthy or working out.  It pumps me up for them and for myself.  So I try to post pictures and video's to hopefully inspire or motivate someone else. 
Our friends Paul and Joyce just finished the 3 Day Refresh together.  Paul lost 8 lbs and Joyce lost 3.3 lbs in those 3 days (dang men!).  I was so happy for them.  I can't wait to start it on Monday.  There's quit a few things I will have to get at the grocery store.  Eeeeek. Leven has lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks (dang men!!). He's looking good.
 My brother's family is in Wyoming right now.  Molly has been sending us pictures throughout their days. 
It's so pretty there. 
 Again, social media is crazy and will continue to get crazier! (our poor children!).  I stole this picture of the volleyball girls from one of the girls Twitter accounts.  haha.  I hope they are ready for an exciting season up ahead.
 #statebound #couldthisbetheyear
Until next time....

Monday, August 3, 2015

It's time

Today, I started back up with my Shakeology drink for breakfast.  It's the craziest thing.  I can't talk about it enough.  I finally ate some cashews around 1.  I just wasn't hungry.  The shake is so filling to me that it helps me NOT sit behind this desk and eat all day long.  I'm also going to start working out harder starting this afternoon.  Taydem has softball practice at 7 and while she's doing that I'm going to jump back in with my Insanity Max DVD's!
Today Leven started back with another volleyball season. Two-a-days all week and then Friday and Saturday they have scrimmages.  I love love love this time of year.  Leven has a great team this year AND the same girls will be back next year! Wishing he and those girls all the luck! Let's go Lady Dawgs.
Saturday Mom and I took Taydem school clothes shopping.  Friday during my lunch break, I knocked out the supply list!
We found some really good sales and Taydem is set for 2nd grade!