Thursday, May 30, 2013


We have one graduating from Kindergarten and one graduating from high school.  I wonder just how many people can say that. This morning Taydem had her little graduating ceremony.  So thankful for her teacher, Katie Davis.  Taydem just loved her class and I'm so happy about that. The year has just flown by.

Candy Crush- By now you all know I'm CA-RAZY about this stupid game.  I've beat all the levels and I've been dying for the them to upgrade the game with more levels.  So what do you know----I got the upgrade this morning! I know, pretty pathetic! Like I don't have enough going on right now.  But it's weird, I play the game at night and it actually relaxes me, my mind! It makes all my stress and worries go away until I eventually fall asleep.  Leven thinks I'm a weird-o!

Tomorrow I'm only working half a day so I can get over to my parents house and start working on Trever's graduation party.  His mom is coming over early so she and I can get everything put together. Hey, there's another one---how many people can say that the child's mom and step-mom actually help each other out---and enjoy themselves!

Here's another sweet note written to Leven:
Coach Barker, I will always love you. I will miss you.  I thank you for putting up with me for the years I've known you.  Thank you for pushing me to be the best I can be.  You always told me I could become a better ball player if I just work hard!  I will miss you saying, "on the bounce!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Little color

Next week I'm getting my hair done! Isn't that one of the best things in the world? I love to change it up and try something new. So this is what I'm after:

I am not a big fan of the "ombré" style, at least not on me. But I want it dark with just a little bit of light highlights. I will post a before and after picture sometime in the near future. 

Taydem is having her end of the year party today and tomorrow morning she will have her graduation ceremony from Kindergarten, from Pine Tree. 

I've been busy this week trying to get stuff together for Trever's graduation party on Friday.  So thankful for Trever's mom and my mom for helping put it all together.  And a huge thank you to Leven's step mother, Gwen for volunteering to make the lasagna and my brother and SIL for providing tea from Jucy's Hamburgers!!

I will end today with another sweet letter to Leven from another sweet player:

Hey Coach. I wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you.  I'm proud that you made this difficult choice to move forward in your career, and your family.  I'm sure it was tough to make this choice that affected so many people.  It's tough right now, but it will get better.  Someday you will come back and see how much we have grown and how successful we have been, and you will be able to say to yourself, "Wow, I started this winning tradition.  I coached these girls!"  And you will be proud. Don't get me wrong, I am going to miss you tremendously.  You make me strive to be the best I can be, and reach my full potential.  Every day I wake up and look forward to volleyball practice with big hopes that I may get a positive comment from you about a dig, spike or my improvement.  I continually find myself seeking for your approval, and it means so much to me.  You are the reason I keep coming back, injury after injury.  That one time my knee gave out during club practice, and you made me get back on the court and play, I thought you were crazy.  But I pushed through.  At the time I thought you were just being mean, but looking back I realize that you did it for me.  And that's why I am where I am today.  You taught me to be tough and stick it out, no matter what the pain feels.  Playing for you, my pain tolerance has gone from a two to a ten.  Even though you are leaving, your legacy will remain at Pine Tree forever.  I truly believe that God placed you in my life for a reason.  Thank you for being there.  Every tear I shed, I just keep telling myself that this isn't the end between you and me.  You will be seeing me soon, and there is no way you can get out of that :) Please know that I am praying for you and your precious family.  God bless you.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another Sweet Letter

Here's another letter from one of Leven's players:

Coach Barker "Daddy B",

Where do I begin? I have so much to thank you for and I have no clue where to even begin.  Let's start with thank you for even entrusting me to be on your team even though you and I both know that volleyball was never my number one sport.  Thank you for even agreeing to even put me back on the team after I quit my sophomore year.  You have created an amazing program at Pine Tree and I want to thank you again for allowing me to be apart of that team.

You taught me so many things that will help me in the future both on the court and off the court.  You encourged me to be a good team player even in games that I never even saw the court and in games I did see the court to bust my butt and take advantage of every opportunity I was given.  Wearing that Pine Tree volleyball jersey was the best two years of my high school career.  Thank you for handing it to me.  You and I both know that I wasn't the best of the team, but you allowed me to play on an amazing team. 

You truly are an amazing coach and an amazing role model to every player that wears volleyball shoes and steps foot on your court.  Thank you for every memory I was allowed to create and every win.  You have completely changed my entire mentality in sports.  I am going to miss you.  I will remember everything you taught me when I'm playing volleyball intramurals. 

P.S. NO ONE will ever replace me as the one to talk and keep you awake on night bus rides home!!

Love always,

Battle Hymm

We sang again this past Sunday. Love my sisters-in-love!!

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Our busy days ahead may be slowing down some. This is our last week with Trever until he is out of the house. This week will be all kinds of emotional!!

This morning the Vball girls gave Leven a going away party. They brought all kinds of breakfast food and made him a picture collage that they all signed. So sweet! Gonna miss this bunch.

My dad has his garden up and running this year. It really is beautiful. He works so hard out in the rows of God's blessings.

Yesterday, I did not stop! Got home from the lake and Trever and I spent 3 hours cleaning his room. After 4 huge bags of trash, 3 huge bags for garage sale stuff and 3 tubs of all his personal stuff we finally finished!! Whoa. I seriously could have a garage sale with just his stuff. Crazy how just 4 years could add up.

After cleaning out all his clothes, Trever had over 50 tshirts. From choir to baseball to basketball and everything in between. So I'm gonna have a lady make a blanket out of about 40 of those shirts! Great idea (Thanks to Tina Shelton for the idea) and Trever will love it. The lady is even gonna have it ready by Friday!!

Love this picture of Leven.

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Coach Barker

Since coming out with the news this past Tuesday, a lot of Leven's girls have been sending him text messages and leaving him notes in his office.  I asked him if I could post a few on my blog so ya'll could get an idea (if you haven't already) of the kind of coach he is and the way his girls feel about him. 

Dear Coach Leven Barker,

The last four years of my volleyball career have been eventful.  My first year, I must admit I was scared of you, but after that season I realized you were just a big softy.  You have hands down been the best coach I have ever had.  The respect I have for you is only rivaled by my family.  Even though your coaching methods are unconventional, they always work.  Every player leaves your gym floor learning something from speed and agility to team work and leadership.  You have a way of pushing us to our breaking point to prove that we can get through anything.  Volleyball these past years has been some of the best memories ever....Crunk sessions, your break dancing, shattered clip boards and your love for our version of the corny bus driver song.  Even our troubling times have made and impact on my life....facing Spring Hill without you, getting in trouble in Forney, and even running those horrible 92 sprints. You made sure that we played each game whole hearted.  Life lessons that we will never forget.  Thank you Coach B for just being there for us and for me personally.
Love you,

Fun weekend headed our way! Have a great one.....

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

News Part 2

I told you a couple of weeks ago that we were selling our home in Pine Tree. 

News Part 2- Leven took a new job in Carthage.  It's always a difficult decision when it's time to change jobs.  Leaving my job a year and a half ago to come work at the job now, was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.  You just have to pray about it and trust that God is looking after you.  

So this decision wasn't easy for Leven.  One of the things I love about Leven is how good of a coach he really is.  And not just knowing the sport and all the basic skills that go along with it.  He's a good coach because of the relationship he makes with his girls.  He cares.  He simply cares.  He wants to see them leave high school and become successful young women.  And if he can help get them a scholarship to play at the next level, that's an even bigger plus!

When we left Mexia 5 years ago I really thought we were going to end in a divorce.  Yes, it was that bad.  He hated leaving his comfort zone and hated leaving a great team behind.  And I really think he was nervous about coming to Pine Tree knowing all the volleyball success this school has had in the past.  He does not fail and I think he was a little worried he would at Pine Tree.  But I knew all along that he would work his butt off and do great things at Pine Tree.  And I feel that he has.  The support of the parents here is incredible.  The girls work HARD and have always done everything he has asked. They love him (love hate at times!!) and he loves them.  It's just a special bond he creates and I love watching it.  He has this way of making you feel like you can be anybody and do anything! He believes in his team, always.  And it's hard to leave a program that you built, knowing how awesome they will be once you leave.  He can always say that he had a huge part in it all, but it's still hard.  So for him having to sit the girls down yesterday, was not easy.  From the first year I saw Leven coach to where he is now, let's just say he is WAY more emotional.  I think it's his age ☻. 

After praying for a really long time and weighing in all his options, he knew it was time.  Time to leave.  Leven (and myself) have really been disappointed in the decisions Pine Tree has made and it's hard to go to work everyday.  Being unhappy sets in.  You spend more time at your job everyday then with your family.  Being happy at your job is a MUST! And to be honest, we knew that after Trever graduated we wanted out.  I want Taydem in a school district that's smaller and more supportive of everything!

"Treat others as you would want to be treated" - pretty simple

So our summer will be BUSY! Trever graduates next Friday night and will spend his summer working with his Mom.  He is taking his senior trip with his friends to Panama City Beach, Florida.  Oh the fun they will have!

We will continue to pray for a buyer on our house.  Once the house is sold and papers signed, we will have house plans drawn, lot bought, and begin a new adventure in our lives.  I'm more than excited to be living in Tatum.  My neighbors will be the best neighbors we could ever have- my brothers/wives and my sister/hubby and ALL my nephews and nieces! What memories will be made in that BIG circle.  The Anthony kids will be everywhere.

Thanks to Carthage ISD and everyone (you know who you are) for throwing out the "red" carpet for my husband.  I keep telling him-this is your time.  Go get it! Started as a Bulldog, then went to a Blackcat, then a Pirate and now back to a Bulldog! And of course those Eagles are always in there somewhere!!         

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


My heart is broken after hearing and seeing that unimaginable tornado rip through Oklahoma yesterday afternoon.  After working out I was headed home and cried in my car heading back home.  Home. Something all those people lost yesterday. Their home.  You work your entire life building your home, physically and emotionally how you want it.  And then in one second, it's all gone.  All of it.  I can't even imagine what they are feeling right now.  Taydem and I prayed last night for all the little children that were scared and the ones that didn't make it out alive.  Innocent innocent little lives lost.  So thankful today that I have my kids and my home.  I told Leven last night that this makes me want another child even more.  What if something ever happened to Taydem?  The thought of it makes me sick. So all we can do is pray.  Pray for healing. Pray for the lost and pray that our country turns itself around.

Pray for Oklahoma

Monday, May 20, 2013

We had a great time at the Ranger's game Saturday night. Here's a few pics:

Taydem had a new babysitter while we were away. This is Anna and Tay loved her. Tay also loves her new Ranger's hat that Nana bought her and her new bikini!

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Friday, May 17, 2013


Check out my brother! A guy that went to school with us saw Dustin on TV last night at the Ranger's game.

Speaking of the Rangers, Leven and I are going to the game tomorrow night. My boss has season tickets and they had 4 extra ones for this Saturday. It's always a last minute thing, but we can actually go this time. Great seats. Should be a good time!

Have a blessed weekend!!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Snip snip

I have people ask me all the time what I do for a living. It varies from day to day but the majority of my time is spent creating maps. I printed off 8 huge maps this morning for the guys to take with them out in the field. The larger maps are zoomed in a whole lot more and it's easier for them to see where they are going and what they are looking for. Today they are doing wetland work along a pipeline right of way. So I took a few pics this morning of me and my maps!

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Monday, May 13, 2013


Trevers team lost Friday night 11-2. So Saturday morning we headed up to Mansfield for game 2 and hopefully game 3. We won game 2!! In game 3 we were winning 5-2 in the 5th inning and everything went south. I just knew we had that game won. I bit off all my nails that I had been growing out since February. Omg! Sad sad for Trever and all the other senior boys. It breaks my heart seeing guys cry.

This is my mother! And.... She's awesome. Love her to pieces!

We had hamburgers out at their place yesterday with all the family.

This diamond came from a ring my Dad had given to my mother not long after they were married. They gave me the ring for my 21st birthday. And I never wore the ring so I had a necklace made from it! My new love. It's just beautiful! So it was a Mothers Day gift to myself!

Tay at the game on Saturday! Miss Hollywood!

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

News Part 1

A couple of blog posts ago, I told you that we had some news to share.  For now, I'm going to share part 1 of our news.  We are selling our home in Pine Tree. This home has been more than perfect for our family of 4 these past 4 years.  Right across the street from the high school allowed Trever and Leven to walk to school the majority of the time.  We have made so many memories together in this house, but it's time to move forward.  Leven and I have always said that once Trever graduated from Pine Tree then we would move out of the city.  We will live at my parent's lake house once we get the house sold.  Then our future goal is to build in Tatum in the same sub division as my siblings.  We really want Taydem to go to school in Tatum with all her cousins and all of our friends kids.  We decided the drive is worth it! Plus Taydem will stay in Kindergarten one more year and moving her to a different school only seems more right. Her and my nephew Tucker will be in the same grade now!

So....before we can even think about building or our future plans we MUST get this house sold.  So spread the word. I just listed the house in the Longview News Journal online and in the paper.  The house will be 4 years old this August and is complete with everything! Granite countertops, crown molding throughout, gameroom, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, all bedrooms have walk in closets, HUGE LOT (especially for Pine Tree), sprinkler system, walk in shower and jacuzzi tub in master bath, tile in bathrooms, and custom cabinets throughout! It's a must see for sure! Here's just a few pictures.  And Leven says, if you want the pool table to's all yours!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Let me introduce to you all Leven's "other baby!"

This is Buddy.  And in this picture Buddy is getting a haircut.  Leven and Taydem LOVE this crazy cat! I always, ALWAYS said that I wouldn't ever have an inside pet.  But, things change I guess.  He really hasn't been that bad.  We laugh at him all the time because he's a lot like a dog.  He guards us (especially Taydem) and cries like a baby when Leven or Taydem walk out of the house.  And he's getting FAT!!

Super proud of my brother and my sister in law.  They built a house this year for the Parade of Homes here in Longview ( and they won Overall Best in their size category. Beautiful home!

Speaking of homes- check out if you haven't already! If you are getting ready to build a house, this website will be worth your while.  Ideas and more ideas! Really cool.

Here's another picture from the big win this past Saturday.  We have a lot of parents that have big nice cameras and love taking action shots and pictures of the boys! So after the win, there were cameras everywhere.
If you want to follow the next game, you can do so by clicking on this link when it's game time.

I have done this several times.  Really really neat!

One last thing------this has arrived! Love Miranda Lambert and her amazing song writing skills.  The Pistol Annies are some kind of wonderful!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Fun Weekend

Friday afternoon, Danin and I headed to Denton to pick up her new car!! Then we drove over to Fort Worth for Brandi's bachelorette party. Loads of fun we had. Her party was an all weekend thing but I knew I could only do Friday night since Trever's playoff games were on Saturday. I wasn't missing those games! Trever and his team had to win the first game on Saturday since they had already lost tge first game of the series on Thursday. They won 8-2!! Trever finally got his grove back. Played awesome! So game three was to happen right after game 2! We won 23-8!! Yes....I typed that correctly. 23-8! Now they advance to the next round. They will play another three game series starting this Friday against Mansfield Legacy. Here are some pics from this past weekend:

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Big News Ahead

We have really big news headed your way! (and NO, we aren't pregnant!!)

Tonight is Trever's first playoff game.  Wish him luck and say a little prayer.  They will play this team best two out of three.  So tonight's game will be at our place and then we travel to Lucas Lovejoy to play at their field.  If a third game permits, then we will play right after the second game. 

I will be traveling up to Ft. Worth tomorrow night for a fun night celebrating Brandi's bachelorette party! We will hang out in the Stock Yards up there.  We are eating first at the famous Joe T Garcia's and then probably end up at Billy Bob's! There are about 22 of us and Friday night we are dressing in our cowboy boots and dresses! Super cute.

Saturday the ladies will continue the fun with her lingerie party and laying out around the pool and then going out again Saturday night.  But I will leave Saturday around noon and drive over to Lucas Lovejoy to watch the second half of Trever's playoff games.  The things you do for your kids! I don't want to miss it and want to support he and the team as much as possible.  Lots of driving for all of us this weekend.

I got my flowerbeds worked on yesterday.  I got so tired of digging out those stupid weeds so I found someone that would do it cheap, all I had to do was buy the mulch! So Taydem and I headed to Walmart and came home with 15 bags of black mulch.  I probably should've taken the truck instead.  We barely got all those bags in my car.
I got home yesterday and my yard looked beautiful! My cleaning lady also came yesterday so my house was beautiful as well on the inside! That is one of my best feelings-walking into a clean home.

Have a great weekend! Until next time......