Monday, September 30, 2013


Happy Monday!
There have been all kinds of babies being born here lately! Our friends Brandon and BreAnn welcomed baby Brysen last week.  He joins big brother Brody.  Brysen has been in the NICU since being born.  He was born about 4 weeks early and they are trying to get his oxygen levels right.  Pray for him!
My friend from high school, Nora and her hubby Peter, welcomed their baby boy yesterday! She lives in South Carolina now so thank goodness for facebook! Nora is a hoot and I've loved keeping up with her this pregnancy! Congrats to her!! This is her first baby!
My cousin Chelsea and her hubby Carl welcomed baby girl #2, Charley Austyn.  She joins big sister Carolina! Can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl! My cousin looks amazing!
Saturday we headed to watch the 7th and 8th grade Carthage girls in a tournament.  Leven has some really good athletes coming his way.  It's exciting to watch! After the games we headed to Lexi Ladymon's birthday party! The party was amazing.  This family knows how to through a party for sure.  Taydem had a blast.  They had face painting, blow up bounce houses, and food galore. Leven and I also had a great time.  Their house is by far the prettiest I've ever seen.  It's just beautiful.  So we visited with new friends and watched college football.  Then came the poured for a good 20 minutes and then the kids got back out to play.  Taydem went down one of the slides (fast because it was wet) and landed hard on her butt.  She didn't have time to catch herself with her feet.  Poor thing! It knocked the breath out of her and she was having a hard time breathing.  It scared her more than anything.  Her butt and back were hurting her as well.  So after that, we decided to take her home.  She was miserable. But still had a good time!
Yesterday was Ally Austyn's 4th birthday! So we headed down to Tatum to celebrate with the family.  My SIL made the best lasagna! Go Molly!


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