Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Change is Gonna Come...

I am so nervous right now talking about this that my hands are starting to sweat (but if you know me, hand sweating is not that unusual with me!) But anyways...I am going next Tuesday to see an eye doctor in Nacogdoches to talk with him about having LASIK eye surgery done!!! Like I said, I'm nervous even thinking about it. I have to wear my eye glasses for a week before the consultation next Tuesday. Ugh...I hate wearing these things. I get a head ache at first bc I'm not use to wearing them. I put them on at night while laying in bed watching TV and that's it. If I am considered a candidate next Tuesday, hopefully I will have the surgery scheduled ASAP.

I started wearing glasses in the 6th grade when I complained to my mom that I couldn't see the overhead clearly. Sure enough the eye doctor told me I was nearsighted. My sister's eyes ended up being worse than mine!! We get it from our Mama!! My mom is crazy blind!!! ha

I got my first pair of contacts the summer before my freshmen year and they have been a part of my life now for the past 15 years. I think a small part of me is going to miss them...tear. But WOW! When I can say goodbye to my glasses, contacts, yearly visits with an eye doctor, eye insurance, etc., that may just be one of the happiest days of my life!

But...I'm still nervous.

Check out my totally cool black and purple glasses. Hot, right? ha
I need some sun.....


Kristen said...

Girl, I would be nervous too! I have been wanting to get LASIK because I am blind as a bat! Kent has told me the past couple Christmases that I could get it- but I've been pregnant or nursing... and when I started looking into it, I would get really nervous. But what a miracle it would be to NOT have to deal with contacts ever again! or glasses!

The best of luck to you! Keep us posted!

Peyton Sparks said...

Ted still says it's one of the best things he's ever done!! He loves not having to deal with glasses or contacts!! Good luck, you will do great and be so happy that you had it done!

CMAK2 said...

girl. carl says that besides our wedding day and the birth of carolina, LASIK is the BEST thing that has ever happened to him! you will love it!! he was nervous too but it was the easiest thing ever! good luck!