Thursday, January 6, 2011

DAY 23- Favorite Vacation

I have had some really really good vacations. I thank my parents for providing most of these opportunities for us growing up. While I was teaching in Mexia I had students who had never been out of the state of Texas. Some had never even left Mexia. If you can give your children one thing---take them places. Growing up we drove everywhere. We couldn't afford to fly a family of 6 around. The first time I flew I was 14! And it was to Hawaii of all places. I didn't think we would ever see land again. I was involved in our church youth choir and every other summer we got to travel and sing in a different state!! So my first trip was to Hawaii. How awesome is that?? We went to a luau, climbed Diamond Back (volcano), toured and sang at Pearl Harbor (moment I will NEVER forget), snorkled, saw waterfalls, etc!  Two years later we headed up to Boston. I loved Boston so much! If you like history you better make a trip to the Northeast. We toured so much while there. We saw a Boston Red Sox game, saw Plymouth Rock, sang on the library steps at Harvard University, saw the Boston Pops (4th of July) just pretty much walked that city up and down! All the while singing and praising our Lord to hundreds of people. My last trip with our youth choir was to Seattle! All three of these cities are so different from each other. Seattle was a little more laid back, but we still did some major walking. We went to a minor league baseball game, saw fireworks over the harbor (it was the best firework show I have still ever seen), went to Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, we sang to inmates in a prison there, and enjoyed the beauty of Mt. Rainier! Again singing for our Lord! I wish I had pictures to post from all these trips. They are still at my parents house!

I have also enjoyed my trips to Tennesse with my family. My dad's family is from East Tennessee (home of the Smoky Mountains) and we used to go up there every summer! Cold streams, gorgeous views of the white top mountains, Cade's Cove, FAMILY, Gatlinburg, and my grandparents little house!

I have been to Cancun 3 times now!! I went there on my senior trip (awesome!), my honeymoon!, and 3 summers ago we went with my cousin and her hubby and some friends!

Florida-- I honestly don't know how many times I have been to Florida. We went quiet a lot with my family growing up. We also went for my sister's senior trip and another time in college with about 15 other people!

Vegas-- I went with my parents, my sister and my Uncle Ed right before I started my first job in Mexia. We had so much fun. My next trip to Vegas will be for Leven's 40th!

Oregon--I have already mentioned our trip to here! One of the best ever....can't wait to go back!

Skiing---We spent Thanksgiving one year in Colorado with family. Then I took a trip with 3 other couples to New Mexico to go skiing. OMG! We were 20 and that trip we all thought we knew everything---we felt so old and grown up. Had a blast...memories!

New Orleans- I have been twice. I went one time with the Maxey's when Meagan and I were 16. Then we went one year for New Years. I had just found out I was preggo (6 weeks), so no partying for me...but it was still one of the best vacations. I think we were with about 15 of our friends and family. FUN!

Where I want to go--- New York City, California, Chicago, Bahamas, and of course England, France and Italy!

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