Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rough weekend for tooter poot!

Taydem had a rough weekend. She's at that age where she is getting into everything and testing us along the way. She's into rolling her eyes and me and telling me to leave her alone! OMG! NO mam, sassy pants!

So we get up on Saturday morning and head to Wal-Mart. We do our shopping, pay and as we are leaving the cashier Taydem starts running. I yelled her name, ignores me. Yelled her name again, ignores me. By now she is probably 30 ft from me and is not slowing down. I start running after her while pushing the buggy yelling at her to stop. Wal-Mart wasn't very busy since it was early, but still no one helped me. She has now rounded the corner and is headed outside and I lost sight of her. My heart is beating out of my chest, I'm freaking out! A little old lady looked at me, looked at Tay, looked back and me and I yelled for her to yell at Taydem. She yelled for Taydem as she was going through the door. I rounded the corner (finally) and Taydem was walking back inside! I was furious. I tried really hard to gather myself before I smacked her right in front of everyone. I grabbed her by the arm and told her, well come to think of it, I have no idea now what I said to her!! But I practically dragged her to the car. Once we got to the car I tore into her butt! I was still so upset. She cried the whole way home. We get home and I then put her in time out (which is sitting on her bed). She cries and cries and cries. I could hear her, "Momma mean!" Leven walks in from mowing and asked what happened. I told him and he went in to talk to her. I finally calmed down and went to talk to her myself. I wanted her to understand why I got mad at her. It's so hard at this age to get them to understand you and your emotions. She kept telling me that she was sorry. Awh...broke my heart.

So..............about an hour later she is playing in the gameroom and breaks one of Leven's collectable baseball plates. Here we go again. Now this time I know she didn't mean to do it. But she knows not to touch the stuff on the shelves. So she's back on her bed for another round of time out! She kept crying and saying her foot hurt. I went in and the poor girl had cut her foot when she broke the plate. Awh, broke my heart again!! My goodness. So we doctored her up and put a band-aid on the cut!

The very next day we were at my parents house and she was running and tripped and SMACK, right into the coffee table! Her cheek caught the edge of the coffee table perfectly. She couldn't even catch herself. My dad almost started crying bc he felt so bad for her. Poor baby! This was all in one weekend. She's a tough little cookie, but I feel we are watching her more now than 6 months ago. She's not afraid of anything and loves to climb!!! I took a picture of her cheek. Check out her face in this picture. She loves getting the attention after she hurts herself.

I played dress up with her on Saturday! I even put make-up on her! I couldn't help myself. Her eyelashes are soooooooo long! Hook 'em!

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