Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busted up

Going into district starting on Friday, Leven's team is 20-8! They KILLED 5-A Longview last night in three games. They played the best I have seen them play so far! Awesome job...Leven was so pumped about it, but he couldn't even celebrate the big win because.....

in the end of game three, I get a call from Trever's fall baseball coach telling me that he has a broken nose. WHAT? He was throwing batting practice in the batting cage and got a line drive hit right at his face. It knocked him out cold! So, at this moment I'm freakin out for Trever and hoping that the game is over in 5 minutes so I can tell Leven and we head that way. After the game I tell him and he decides he will go with me and let one of his assistants drive the bus back to the school. Once we get to Trever he is up and moving and all the dads there tell us it is starting to look some what better. They all thought he may have a concusion bc he was still a little loopy! Leven takes him to the ER and 3 hours later they are back home, thank goodness! He had no concusion and his nose was only fractured. It could've been a lot worse. The swelling had gone out instead of in which was a huge blessing. I didn't see him this morning, but Leven said he has 2 black eyes! Poor thing! (this picture was taken 2 nights later!)

Like I said earlier, Leven's volleyball team starts district on Friday against Marshall. Next week they have two HUGE games both being played at our home gym! I think he's going to tell them that if they beat both of these teams, he will shave his head!!!! I told him that will for sure get them pumped up!

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