Monday, September 13, 2010

OMG- What time is it?

I woke up yesterday to the sun hitting me in my face-this is not a good thing. I tried to read the alarm clock on Leven's side of the bed but I'm blind as a bat so I reached for my cell phone. As I was putting the cell phone up to my nose to read the time (again, I'm that blind) I noticed I was getting a phone call, but my phone wasn't making any noise. "Hello?" It was the church calling me to see where I was.....OMG!

Let me back up a little bit. I have been counting down the days for September 12th. Tim (church choir director) asked me to sing "my song" (the one I did back in May) a few weeks ago for the September 12th services. He told me I would sing the song in all three church services. This means that I have to be at the church at 7, to run through all the songs we would be singing that morning. I have been freaking out all week bc I still had this horrible congestion (4 weeks I had that mess!) and I had to get rid of it by Sunday. I went to the doctor last Tuesday; got a shot and a zpack. I even did three of Taydem's breathing treatments! I finally started feeling better on Saturday and that night I MADE SURE that I set my alarm correctly on my phone. This is a big deal getting to sing and I didn't want to be late. So, what do you know??? I couldn't believe it when I saw the time on Sunday morning, 7:27 am!!! My stupid alarm did NOT wake me up! I hung up the phone call that I received and got dressed in 20 minutes. I was running around the house like a mad woman. I got to the church 5 minutes late. I was so embarressed and prayed on my way that they would all forgive me. And the did! I actually received hugs from everyone. So by the next two services I was geared up and ready to sing. The last service is always the best. I brought the house down!! They all were standing and clapping along with the song. So much fun! I was just hoping that my voice was going to last until the end. It started sqeeking in some places and I began to panic. I am too hard on myself. I want everything to be perfect. I walked off the stage with a huge smile.

Thank you Lord for giving me this talent and allowing me to share with others.

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