Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4-0 and Lon Morris

Lady Pirates picked up another win last night against Jacksonville. Leven said there wasn't much competitionn with those girls.
Jacksonville, TX holds a special place in my heart. This was the first town I lived in after high school WITHOUT my parents. I went to Lon Morris College on a music and volleyball scholarship there in Jville and made some of my closest friends! Lon Morris is a tiny junior college, but it fit me perfectly. I sang in the school choir and was put in a traveling ensemble. We would travel every Sunday to a different church around Texas (Lon Morris is a private junior college, Methodist). I actually hated it. As much as I love to sing, I hated traveling 3-4 hours every Sunday to sing for a tiny church in the middle of nowhere for about 50 people and then travel back home. The volleyball team, then, was probably the worse team I have ever been on. I loved my first year coach (Coach "Weg") and we actually weren't that bad. She left the second year and our replacement was a complete JOKE! He had never even coached volleyball or even seen a game. We had to tell him the rules and show him drills. OMG! Looking back I like to laugh at the whole situation but at that time, I stayed pissed! I don't think we won a game...we were so P-I-T-I-F-U-L! But, I made lasting memories, gained some independence, and I'm still very close to my good friends from there today! Samantha (Sam) and I met my sophomore year. (We also played against each other in high school. She's from Gilmer.) She also played volleyball and also hated our crazy coach. After her second year, she moved in with me at Sam Houston! We were trailor park girls and made the best memories at Sam Houston together. We became like sisters and she was also in my wedding as a bridesmaid. I love and miss her dearly. She has made her home in Waller, TX on farm with her hubby Tommy (whom she met at Sam Houston) and her sweet baby boy, Tanner.
Carla and I met our first year at Lon Morris. She was also in the choir but her main job was playing the piano! We didn't really get close until after we left Lon Morris. She was living in Tyler going to school and I was attending UT Tyler. I would spend the night with her often after my night class and we would stay up talking for hours. I went through a really rough period in my life during this time and she was my sweet friend that was really there for me. She still lives in Tyler today as a realtor and has 2 of the cutest boys (Jackson and Grant) along with a police officer for a husband. Brittany and I also met our first year there. We both played volleyball (although we also played against each other in high school, she's from Hallsville). Brittany started out her 2nd year there, but she REALLY hated our crazy coach and she left the school. She always wanted to be a hair stylest so that's what she did. She has been cutting and coloring my hair since! So every time I get my hair done, we catch up with each other. She lives in Longview, but our lives are going in different directions. She is married and has the cutest little girl (Emersyn) and will have Grant early October! Lucas and I met my second year (since he's a baby). He was a golfer and drove a huge jacked up Tahoe that all the girls loved! He likes to rub this in my face, but the first thing I ever said to him was, "Hey, are you the one that drives that Tahoe?" Ha, knowing I knew it was his! All the girls dared me to ask him! We never even talked at Lon Morris. He went on to play golf at 'Ole Miss. Fast forward about 8 years.....he found me on facebook! Crazy! We continued to email each other, catching up what we had missed out over the years. This picture was the first time we had seen each other since Lon Morris. He is married to a beautiful woman (Aliya) and sales insurance in Plano. We try and keep in touch and have visited each other's towns often.

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