Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's approaching....

My 30th is getting closer and closer. Wow, September 1st already. I can remember as a child that the days and months lasted forever. I never thought the school years would ever end. Now that I'm older, I can't find enough time in the day. It's sad actually. Can we stop time for just a little while?

So back to the big 3-0. I'm not really sure why I'm stressing about this age, but I am. Again, as a child I can remember thinking 30 was so old. WHAT? I'm finally here and I feel like I'm's say 24! I've been thinking about this day for the past few months, well actually this whole past year. Every year the Tatum Education Foundation puts on a huge event (shindig you may want to call it) to help raise money for scholarships. And it's on the same day as my birthday. Ugh! So everyone and their dog will be going to this event to eat, drink and dance the night away. I do enjoy going to it, but I really don't want to celebrate my birthday there! So, I think Lev and I will head up to Dallas for the day/night and enjoy ourselves! I love get-aways and that night will be perfect! I just need a babysitter now!!! Again, everyone and their dog will be busy that night (aka: ALL of MY Sitters!) so I will have to start looking now!

Everyone is good these days! My niece will have her 1st birthday this month and my nephew will turn 7 in October! My brother and his wife are opening up a new Jucy's Hamburger in Tyler! Dustin is actually building the store (contractor) so they are super busy right now! The other brother and his wife just sold their house and are about to start building their dream home! Danin and Eric are settling into their new home and are getting landscaping down now! Mom and Dad are doing fine as well. They seem to be always traveling somewhere. Leven will start district next week. yeah!! Taydem has a new best friend (boyfriend, ha)! We have new neighbors and their little boy, Cade turned 3 in June! They want to see each other EVERY day! It's too cute.

1 comment:

Sterling said...

if you have trouble finding someone to keep Tay then dont forget about me!! Not sure if she would stay with me since she doesn't know me that well. Maybe mom also!!