Monday, June 27, 2016

Lil Bumpers

Not sure if I have mentioned this in my blog yet or not, but back in February I decided I wanted to start a Lil Bumper's volleyball program in Tatum.  I want girls at Tatum to be prepared for 7th grade volleyball and actually compete a little.  I've heard from so many that it's so embarressing to watch our 7th and 8th graders play volleyball.  You can not just pick up a volleyball in 7th grade and expect to win. It's a very difficult game and involves lots of practice and trust with your teammates. So if we expect them to compete, then we need to start them young.  Just like we do in basketball and softball. 
I've had a wonderful group of men and women helping me with this program and this past weekend we had a mini volleyball camp to help introduce volleyball to some of these girls.  We sent a survey home with the girls from school back in May and we got 70 that are interested in playing this fall. Super excited about this! The camp only brought in 18 girls though.  Between summer vacations and the 10u and 12u softball tournaments on the same day, we just didn't have the numbers we thought we would get. I was still happy with the 18! Gotta start somewhere, right?! And some of the 18 went ahead and signed up for the fall league.  Whooo-hoo.  It's gonna be good.  Hopefully by the time Taydem's class is in the 7th grade, we will be kicking some butt!
My nephew Aidan is at the Duke University basketball camp right now! How cool is this? I can't wait to hear all about it.

My dad had his 50th high school class reunion this past weekend.  50 dang years! wow oh wow! This picture of the two of them is my favorite. 

Seriously, these two are just beauties in my eyes!
 Taydem is getting so grown.  And this girl can play some volleyball.

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