Wednesday, June 22, 2016


I always just assumed my children would be just like my sister, brothers and myself. We all look very similar (hair, eyes, build, etc) and we are a lot a like in personalites as well.  But guess DID NOT HAPPEN THIS WAY.  My girls couldn't be more different.
Taydem is the typical first child (although she is really the middle child, she's my actual first born). She wants to impress us all the time.  She does not want us disappointed in her, easy to discipline, works extremely hard in whatever she's doing and is Momma Bear to so many little girls.  She's very friendly, talks A LOT, is super smart, athletic, enjoys art, loves music and still plays with her baby dolls.  Taydem is very independent.  She's always been this way, probably because she had to learn to play by herself at an early age. 
So sometimes if there's a crowd of kids, you will find Taydem off to herself. 
Tenlee is into everything.  We can not turn our backs on her for 1 minute.  She loves to twist caps off of things, get into cabinets, open drawers and take things out, pull shoes off of closet shelves, OPEN DOORS and then shut them on herself, put things in her mouth, etc.  I could probably sit here and think of some more things.  Taydem was never this type of toddler.  Tenlee is very sneaky and mischievous.  She loves Tay so much and will follow her everywhere.  And Taydem is pretty good about her being close by. 
Again, Tay is Momma Bear. 
They both love their Momma and Daddy dearly.  They both love to cuddle (with Daddy of course). They both love people and they both smile all the time! And they are both really good kids overall.  We can take them anywhere and know that they will be well behaved.  Probably because we have been popping that butt early early! They know our loud voices, evil looks we give and know when they are in trouble!
Now you can just look at these two pictures, they look NOTHING ALIKE!
This is also at the same age.  Tenlee is about 1 month older than Taydem's picture.

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