Thursday, June 9, 2016

Here and there....

Honestly, once I was in high school, college, BEFORE KIDS, I don't remember being that sick...that often.  I'm sure my mom would tell you different.  But honestly, I don't think I was ever sick that much. Taydem was never really a sick child until we moved to Tatum!! bahaha. Her first grade year she had all kinds of illnesses that hit her.
But as a baby/toddler, the only sickness we dealt with for Taydem was her poor ear infections. (#stupidhearingaids #lovehate)
So now we have Tenlee....this child has had the stomach bug more in her 2 years than Taydem ever did! It's crazy. She came down with a virus last Thursday and yesterday was the first time she did not have a runny diaper! She was sick SICK for 2 days.  Her poo smelt the worse that I have ever smelt.  We put her on a pallet on our floor those 2 nights so we could keep an eye on her (and to keep her away from Taydem) and the smell of her crap would wake us up!!! It.Was.BAD!
Well then guess who gets sick next?? You guessed it.....ME! I woke up early early Monday morning with horrible cramps and was in the bed all day Monday and Tuesday.  I finally took my temperture Monday around 5:00 and had 102.  I'm sure I had it all day, but never took.  My head hurt, my lower back hurt and of course those cramps. I'm happy I got it when I did because we leave for Cabo next week.  I pray Tay and Leven don't get.  If they can make it to the weekend, I think they will be fine.  I came back to work yesterday feeling about 50% better but today I think I'm back to normal.  

Leven loves to be sneaky with the camera while we sleep!

Trever is now down in Carrizo Springs for the summer.  He made it there this morning and will be there working (Internship Job).  Praise the Lord! So grateful for my Uncle making a phone call for Trever.  My Uncle is a pretty special man! It was a job just getting Trever down there....BUT he's there and I pray he makes some good money and he LEARNS LEARNS LEARNS!! A lot. 
Please keep him in your prayers all summer because we all know how bad it can be in south Texas! This experience is huge for him!

I want to end with this before and after photo.  Not to show off (ok ok, well maybe just a little because I have been working my tail off for the past 8 weeks! And I'm proud of myself!) but to show you the difference in the 2 pictures. 
Photo left is 10 years ago, same swimsuit but 15 pounds heavier in photo on the right! Crazy, right? Working out and eating healthy (listen, I do cheat!) is the way to go people.  Don't starve yourself.  The picture on the left was on our honeymoon.  I had lost so much weight because of a medicine I was on (Topomax) and was the skinniest I have ever been.  But I didn't like it at all! I am so much happier today with my curves!
What's your motivation?

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