Monday, June 20, 2016


If you are friends with me on Faceook, then you have already seen all of these pictures from Cabo. But, if ya go!
Our flight was bright and early Thursday morning.  On the plane ride there, Leven was on the outside, me in the middle and a 6'7" guy by the window.  Talk about long legs and tight space.  He plays basketball for a living over in Europe and he was headed to Cabo to meet up with his family.  His flight the day before was delayed like 4 hours....needless to say...he was TIRED!
Our hotel was perfect.  The location is key there in Cabo.  I think the Arc (rock formation on the point) is the best view ever.  So we wanted a hotel that was close to seeing this every morning when we woke up! The food was the best we had ever eaten in Mexico.  And the pool was nice and huge.  We met several different people while in the pool! You all know Leven doesn't meet a stranger and they all loved his big ole TEXAN accent.  So we made a few friends.....
I took this picture the last night we were there.  No one was down by the pools.  Nice peaceful!

The first day was spent around the pool.  The 2nd day we walked down to the beach to check out how cold te water actually was and how strong the under toe was.  Both---cold and crazy strong.  The waves are huge and when they crash it sounds like thunder.  Especially laying in bed at night.  So as we were taking a few pictures, the wave just about got me.  If I would've fallen down, I'm pretty sure Leven would've had to come in after me.  Would not have been good.  So after that, we moved up a little closer away from that water. We got some great pictures down by the beach! The view is so beautiful.  These pictures don't do it justice.

Seriously scared me. 
My favorite picture of Leven.

This was are first evening there.  We ate at the steak house at the resort.
After the beach pictures, we took a taxi down to the marina to get ready for our catamaran tour.  This was both our best day.  We walked around a few shops first until it was time to load up.  We found a couple of things for the girls.  The catamaran was awesome.  Big sailboat, lots of good drinks, we ate lunch and just sailed down the coast line.  Soooo pretty! I can't even explain it.  It was hot, but when the water splashed up onto the boat, it cooled you off.  I recommend this to anyone!
This was the fattest sealion I had ever seen.  The guy said it was his pet and his name was Panco. 

The boat stopped by the rocks (Arc) so everyone could take a few pictures.

The guy taking our picture was making us laugh.  He was already tipsy before he got on the boat (Bachelor Party he was with) and of all people he volunteered to take our pics.  He didn't do too bad.  Plus he made us laugh and took these candid photos!

Once we got down by the bay area, they said we could jump in the water.  Leven did...I stayed on the boat where it was
Once we got back from our boat ride, we got dressed (Leven took a cat nap while I showered) and headed back towards the marina to the downtown area.  Downtown is really neat.  Lots to do and see.  We were pretty warn out so we only hit up a few places before calling it a night. 
We ate at the Mango Deck first.  The food was delish and they band playing was good!

Went by Cabo Wabo and the Wiggling Marlin
The last day was spent around the pool All.Day.Long! Just nice and relaxing for the both of us.  We did play a couple of games of sand volleyball but we all quit during game 2 because we were worn out and HOT.  We spent the evening eating at the resort and enjoying one another.  Ten years is a long time to be married (especially with our generation).  I love Leven more today than I did 10 years ago.  He's mellowed out in his older years and I LOVE IT!
Great Trip!
A cruise ship stayed in front of our hotel all day.  Took off that evening!

One more thing...on our plane ride home.  Leven and I had the same seats, so we were waiting to see who was going to take that window seat.  Here comes a 6'6" Professional Soccer player.  He was good lookin!! I have a good friend who loves soccer and I wanted to tell him about my encounter with the stud.  So I asked if I could get a picture with him.  (Honestly I just wanted a pic with him.  He may be famous one day.  He's only 22!


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