Monday, September 14, 2015

Last Friday night a few of my friends and myself went out to eat to celebrate one of our good friend's birthday!  I haven't laughed that much in a really long time and the food was so delish! Such a good time together!
 I left poor Leven home with the girls when he wasn't feeling good.  Taydem is the best babysitter ever! Leven felt horrible all weekend and finally took himself to the doctor today.  His blood pressure was up quiet a bit so he's supposed to watch it all week.  But thankful NO STREP! That's what we were thinking it could be because his throat has been killing him.   
The birthday girl!

Saturday Taydem had two softball games.  The weather was by far the best thing about those games! I'm not going to complain right now, especially at her age, but I'm not sure she's even getting anything out of playing this fall.  She's one of the youngest on her team, so I feel as though they let all the older girls get first shot in the infield.  Everybody knows at their age, the out field NEVER sees a ball hit to them.  So they have Taydem just "standing" out in right field.  She is so bored but hasn't said anything to me about it yet.  I wish they would at least let her play in the infield one of the two games.  Also with this league (and their age) they usually get to hit once, MAYBE twice.  So again, she's not getting anything out of batting either. 
ok, rant over!
Yesterday the girls and I went to church and left Leven home in bed.  We had errands to run while in Longview afterwards, so it was good to not have him to drag along!!
Tenlee fell asleep right when I pulled into the parking lot of Walmart.  So as I carried her in and put her in the grocery cart she was still bobbing her head.  Taydem and I were cracking up.  I quickly took a picture of her passed out.

I wish I was sleeping right now! Happy Monday!

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