Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's going to take awhile before we get the house "complete."  I'm not even sure what "complete" actually is.  But each week I'm trying to do something else. If I had all the money in the world, then it would already be complete! And now FALL is here, I'm wanting to buy more fall stuff to add to my collection.  Really the past two years I haven't decorated for the seasons.  When we were selling our house, we were advised not to decorate a lot.  And then last year we were in the apartment and all my decorations were put away in storage.  So I'm liking this right not! The picture below is a wall in our bedroom. I loved reading all the messages from all our family and friends the night we got married!
 Our grass is getting there! Something else I want to add to the front porch are some big planters to go on each side of our front door.  I'm looking now and pricing. 
 I'm still working out as much as possible.  I love it and I don't want to stop and have to start over again.  Even if I'm walking 20 mins, that's better than doing nothing at all.  Last night I did another video and felt so good while doing it.  Afterwards, I pushed Tenlee in the stroller around our neighborhood and even ran a bit! Tenlee loves it! I swear we were totally blessed with great children.  Tenlee is probably the most laid back "chill" toddler you will ever meet. 


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