Monday, November 9, 2015


I can not keep up with this blog thing anymore.  Work is crazy busy and then the home life is crazy as well right now.  Leven has already won his first 2 playoff games and will go for round #3 tomorrow night back up in Forney.  Can't wait!
Taydem was a witch of some kind for Halloween and Tenlee was a rabbit.  Tenlee is so laid back.  She just goes with the flow.  She's talking more and more and we forget how much they actually understand at this age.  Although they can't communicate back with us, SHE KNOWS! She's the cutest thing to me.  Taydem is so good with her.  She will now get her out of bed, change her diaper, make her a juice cup and feed her breakfast (this is Saturday mornings only!).  But it's sooooooooo awesome. 
 I KNOW now why I waited so long to have another child!

Trever turned 21 yesterday!
 Did ya'll read that carefully.......21!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel so old saying that. 
He's coming home over Thanksgiving and Leven and I are going to take him to the boats over in Shreveport. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday Nights and Loads of Rain

Tonight is the last game in district for this 2015 season.  It's so hard to believe that he's already been playing volleyball for 3 months.  Where is the time going? He is playing Rusk (for the 3rd time) and it's also Senior Night.  Playoffs should be starting next week!
We got tons of rain this past weekend. TONS! And it's looking like it will be a rainy Halloween this weekend......yuck!
Taydem made the All A Honor Roll for the first 6 weeks and she didn't miss any school.  So today her reward was getting to go to the high school campus to eat lunch.  She was so excited! I hate that I can never get to be with her on this special occasions, but I have wonderful Moms who take pictures for me.  This week is also Red Ribbon Week and today was "Turn your back against Drugs."  So they got to wear their shirts and hats backwards. 
This was early this morning.  Tenlee is always ready to smile for the camera!
Taydem and Julia spent ALL weekend together.  Thank goodness they get along good, but it rained ALL weekend as well.  So they were in the house pretty much the entire time.  Which drove me crazy at times!! lol  But they love each other and love playing together! We went over to my brother's house Saturday night for some pumpkin carving, deer chili and tons of dessert! My diet was seriously ruined that night. 

 Sunday morning we headed to church and these two wanted to be twins that day.  So pretty! And of course we had to eat at the #1 Hamburger joint in the state of Texas according to Texas Highway Magazine!!! Jucy's! I'm so proud of this family and all their hard work. 
Well deserved!  

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

MIA- for good reasons

Sorry, I've been MIA the past two weeks.  But for good know I love pictures!
I'll start with that:
I love any chance I get to visit with my grandmother (Meme).  She will turn 92 on November 19th! And I just love her to pieces.  My girls love her too!
Leven hit a huge milestone in the coaching world.  He hit his 500th win on October 13th! What an accomplishment.  I had a surprise for him after the big game.  I'm so grateful that this night turned out like it did.  We had a chance to play Rusk (weaker team than us in our district and we had already beat them once), at our HOME gym for this 500th win.  It worked our perfectly.  So my surprise....I asked friends, family, ex players, coaches, parents, etc. to send me a video message for Leven.  I put all the videos (plus some pictures) into one large video.  After the game was over, I had the short movie (22 mins long) set up with a projector and screen behind the bleachers.  He had NO IDEA! Some ex players and parents from Pine Tree also came to the game and surprised him.  It was a great night. So far there's been over 400 views on youtube of the video.  Check it out:
 Leven had a chance to see two of his ex players play each other last week up in Arlington.  Emily is a setter for Texas State and they were playing at UT Arlington where Marisha is a hitter! He sure enjoyed it.
 Fall, fall, fall! I love this time of year.  Now if only it would get cooler outside....AND STAY! I think every month I buy something else for the house (well maybe every week! eeeek).  It just takes time, right?  So our new ottoman came in last week.  The girls love it! Something else they can sit and play on. 
 This past weekend Leven needed to head to Central Texas to scout some volleyball games. So the girls and myself tagged along.  We got to spend the night with his dad and Gwen one night and Grans the other night.  Worked out perfectly.  Taydem got to drive Grans four wheeler round and round in the pasture.  And of course Tenlee needed a few rides too.
 We have been looking for some type of transportation to get around in the neigborhood for a few months now.  Leven didn't want to jump on just anything so it took a while.  Plus he wanted something that could be used while hunting as well.  So we found this little gem right down the road in Kilgore.  We got the price down to where we wanted and so Leven wants to do a few things to it.  We are picking it up tonight! We are ALL excited.
 Taydem's fall softball has come to an end (thank goodness!).  No, really it was good for her, but she was getting tired quickly.  They have been practicing since July, two nights a week and then the games on Saturdays.  She is a better thrower and catcher.  Hitting still needs some work, but that will eventually come.  She had fun with all the girls and learned some new stuff.  She's really getting good with her tumbling class. 
She's got her back walk over down now. 
 So I got up early this morning and headed to our school's indoor facility.  My brother has a key and I'm wondering, why it has taking me this long to use this piece of work!! The weight room is amazing and then this huge football field for running.  I'm just too busy right now in the evenings when I get home from work.  No excuses!
 Last weekend we all went over to Shreveport to celebrate my birthday! Leven and I hadn't been over there for the night since February.  So much fun! I have the bestest family and friends a gal could ask for.  Leven and I were the only ones who spent the night.  It's always good to spend some extra alone time with your spouse.  We don't do it enough with our busy schedules.  So we enjoyed ourselves. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

One week away

I turn 35 in one week! OMG
I love finding pictures of Taydem when she was little and comparing them to Tenlee.  This outfit has now been worn by both girls.  Tenlee's smile is so dang cute! And yes, they look nothing alike!
 A lady I work with made this for me to hang on my front door.  I've seen her make several and asked how much she would charge me to do a "fall" one.  She GAVE it to me! So sweet and I love it!
 Don't you just love a good oldie but goodie!
I just want to know who is this stud muffin in this picture??
We leave in the morning for Magnolia, TX.  Channing is getting married tomorrow yall!
 I can't wait to see her beautiful self. 
 It's going to be a good time.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

 Yesterday was my niece's 6th birthday!! Happy (day late) Austyn! We celebrated her birthday on Sunday.  She told Molly she wanted a "Baby Shower" party! It was too cute. 

Tuesday night, Leven's team went 5 games with Henderson.  It was INTENSE!! We lost the first game, won the second, lost the third and won the fourth and LAST game! We didn't get home until 10:00.  Tenlee was struggling and as soon as she got buckled into her carseat, she was out! Both teams wanted that win! And we still have to play them 2 more times.....eeeeek!

My cousin is getting married on Saturday! We are all traveling down to the Houston area for it.  I'm actually singing in the wedding so I'm excited about that.  And of course, I will be nervous when the time comes. 
My goal today, on my lunch break, is to find a dress!!
Taydem and I usually lay out her clothes for school, the night before.  It's just easier for BOTH of us.  She is very opinionated and will pout if she doesn't like what I pick out for her to wear.  So last night she picked out this outfit.  I think it's cute!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another good weekend in our books.  (yes, I know it's Tuesday!) Monday was probably the busiest work day I've had in a LONG TIME!  I knew that I needed to leave work early because I was getting to go to the Ranger's game in Arlington.  So, I had to bust tail up until I left.  And that's what I did! We are extremely busy right now.  Which is always a good thing.  But can be stressfull. The clock said 3:30 and I was out da door! Dustin and Molly got 12 tickets to sit in the Coca-Cola suite and Leven couldn't go because of volleyball so he told me that I should go.  Mom and Dad also went, my nephews and Carl (cousin Chelsea's hubby).  It was a good time and I'm feeling it today.  I got in bed at 2:00 am! When my alarm went off this morning I thought I just woke up from a nap.  Crazy feeling. 

Trever NEVER posts pictures! I hate it because we don't ever get to see him.  So a picture here and there would be nice.  So finally this past weekend, we saw some pictures of him with his friends.  FINALLY!
On Saturday, Leven and I got a small date (time with no kids) and took advantage and went to the Carthage/Gilmer football game. We only spent about 3 hours kidless, but it was nice. 
Saturday before we left for the football game, Taydem and I painted a couple of pumpkins Tatum Eagle Green! I try and find things like this to do with her as much as I can.  I know she enjoys stuff like this. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015


This week has been a week for me.  Since starting my safety meetings back up, I have seen the sun rise 3 times this week.  Tuesday morning I left the house at 4:10 AM!! Yes, AM! This morning I left at 4:40 and Monday I didn't get home from work until almost 10:00 PM.  It's been rough and I'm walking around like a Zombie. 
I'm singing in my cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks along with her brother-in-law who will be playing the guitar as I sing.  They came over again last night to get another practice in.  I think we got it down pretty solid.  I can't wait to see my cousin as a bride!
Leven had his first district volleyball game on Tuesday night against Tatum.  It's so hard when we play Tatum, because I wanna cheer for both teams.  So I wore my Carthage gear and sat on Tatum's side.  Carthage killed Tatum! It's so frustrating really, because I wanna see Tatum do better, because they have excellent athletes.  But I honestly think the coach needs to move on or maybe just coach junior high.  I feel she's just not in it anymore.  She came to Tatum when Danin was a senior.  So it's been awhile and the volleyball program was better when we were in school.  Leven's team was on a whole different level! My dream-----for Leven to coach at Tatum and one day coach our Taydem!
Yesterday across the state of TEXAS, schools gathered around their flagpole (See You at the Pole) for a moment of prayer.  I wanted to make sure I took Taydem this year.  The Primary school had the least amount of kids/parents there.  But the other schools had a wonderful turnout.  I did this when I was in school as well! Keep it going TEXAS!

Monday, September 21, 2015

FALL--ing into Fall

I always have tons more pictures to share after the weekend.  Busy busy.
Friday night we headed to the first home Tatum Eagle football game.  My parents have sat in the reserve seating section since we were very small kids.  They have the same seats after all these years.  So now the next generation sits there.  When us Anthony's all make it to the game, it looks like a zoo I'm sure.  There's usually 9-10 kiddos piled up on Mom and Dad and cheering loud, blowing get the picture.  It gets a little crazy! I'm sure the people up behind us think "oh no, the Anthony's are here!"
But we do have spirit!! And we cheer loud! And we have on our GREEN!
Taydem, Tenlee and myself bounce back and forth with our colors.
 Red and green, red and green!

Danin and I took the girls to Ellis Pottery on Saturday.  She and I both needed some more fall décor and Danin had told me about all the pumpkins EVERYWHERE! I have a porch now (!!!) and wanted to decorate it a little. Leven was at a volleyball tournament all day Saturday that he was hosting in Carthage.  I wanted to put my fall stuff out that day and needed his help getting my one big tub down from the attic.  But Mrs. Impatient couldn't wait for him to get home.  So I climbed up in the attic, opened the tub and carried one item down at a time and handed it off to Taydem. Obviously, the tub was too big for me to hand off to Taydem.  It took us a little longer, but we got it done.  The next few weekends are going to be busy for us and I wanted to get it decorated now.
 I forgot to take a picture of the front porch.  I will do that sometime this week and post.
Today I drive almost 3 hours to Franklin, do an inspection at their facility and then give a training over SPCC and Storm Water plans.  It usually takes about 40 mins for the training, and then turn around and drive home.  I do these trainings for this one company once a year.  This is my 3rd year doing them.  The first year I was so dang nervous to get up and speak in front of a room full of men.  I'm a little better now!
Make it a great week!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Started my morning off right with my shake.  So far it's 9:30 and I haven't even thought about eating.  Usually by now I'm wanting to put something in my mouth.  Love these shakes.
I also have my green on.  Tatum is finally having a home football game after 4 weeks! Taydem is cheering at the very beginning (mini cheer campers) and she has been waiting for Friday all week. 
Leven plays White Oak at 4:30 today.  I hate Friday volleyball games because I always miss them.  But I'm going to try and leave a little bit earlier this afternoon so I can make this game.  This will be a good one!
Tomorrow Leven is hosting a junior high tournament at Carthage all day.  I have a baby shower tomorrow morning and then NOTHING after that! What to do...what to do.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's going to take awhile before we get the house "complete."  I'm not even sure what "complete" actually is.  But each week I'm trying to do something else. If I had all the money in the world, then it would already be complete! And now FALL is here, I'm wanting to buy more fall stuff to add to my collection.  Really the past two years I haven't decorated for the seasons.  When we were selling our house, we were advised not to decorate a lot.  And then last year we were in the apartment and all my decorations were put away in storage.  So I'm liking this right not! The picture below is a wall in our bedroom. I loved reading all the messages from all our family and friends the night we got married!
 Our grass is getting there! Something else I want to add to the front porch are some big planters to go on each side of our front door.  I'm looking now and pricing. 
 I'm still working out as much as possible.  I love it and I don't want to stop and have to start over again.  Even if I'm walking 20 mins, that's better than doing nothing at all.  Last night I did another video and felt so good while doing it.  Afterwards, I pushed Tenlee in the stroller around our neighborhood and even ran a bit! Tenlee loves it! I swear we were totally blessed with great children.  Tenlee is probably the most laid back "chill" toddler you will ever meet.