Thursday, October 1, 2015

 Yesterday was my niece's 6th birthday!! Happy (day late) Austyn! We celebrated her birthday on Sunday.  She told Molly she wanted a "Baby Shower" party! It was too cute. 

Tuesday night, Leven's team went 5 games with Henderson.  It was INTENSE!! We lost the first game, won the second, lost the third and won the fourth and LAST game! We didn't get home until 10:00.  Tenlee was struggling and as soon as she got buckled into her carseat, she was out! Both teams wanted that win! And we still have to play them 2 more times.....eeeeek!

My cousin is getting married on Saturday! We are all traveling down to the Houston area for it.  I'm actually singing in the wedding so I'm excited about that.  And of course, I will be nervous when the time comes. 
My goal today, on my lunch break, is to find a dress!!
Taydem and I usually lay out her clothes for school, the night before.  It's just easier for BOTH of us.  She is very opinionated and will pout if she doesn't like what I pick out for her to wear.  So last night she picked out this outfit.  I think it's cute!!

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