Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tenlee and Baylee are leading their little class for a ride.  Tenlee looks like she is trying to hold Baylee's hand..too sweet.
Right now Leven's team is doing so good.  They are 3-0 in district. Since district started it's like they have become this new team.  And we are loving it.  They are just winning, they are KILLING them! I just pray that they keep this energy up and carry it over into the play offs. 
Leven took me shopping last Saturday over in Sheveport for my birthday.  We knew we were going to be busy this Saturday for Izzy's benefit golf tournament and then next Saturday we have the Night Flight Extravaganza.  We took the girls with us and spent a few hours at the mall and at the Boardwalk.  It was a good day to get out of the house.  He had wanted to spend the night in Shreveport with just he and I and he even had a babysitter planned and everything.  (Trying to surprise me!), but our babysitter's (my sweet cousin Peyton) son got sick and she couldn't watch the girls.  She even let me know that he was trying to surprise me. So instead he said let's just spend that money on the hotel and buy you some new things.  SCORE! Good day for me!
Taydem has her first slumber party this Saturday night.  OH LAWD! I had to go buy a sleeping bag.  She is so excited.  She has spent the night with her BFF Julia several times, but it's a little different when there's several girls involved.  So we've already had a talk about being nice to everyone, sharing, don't burp and poot in front of her parents (good gosh), manors, don't be picky with the food they feed you, no fighting, don't go creeping in their pantry when everyone else is asleep, etc! I'm sure she will have all kinds of stories to tell me Sunday morning. 

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