Friday, October 10, 2014

Another Birthday

WELP...I had a birthday yesterday. I turned 34.  For the first time EVER I felt OLDER.  But it was only yesterday.  I started the day off EARLY! I had to wake up at 4:30 am so I could make it to a safety meeting that I had to give a short presentation for.  So as expected, the night before I think I saw every hour on the clock.  I really think I only got one hours sleep. I hate getting in front of people and speaking.  Give me a mic and I can sing all day, but a topic that I don't really know much about and a room full of men, it's a little scary for me. So all night I was running through my notes in my head and I just couldn't go to sleep.  So I got there 30 minutes early and everything went fine.  This is just the first of like 12 of these safety meetings I have to go to.  Half of them are early in the morning and next months are in the evening and they are all around East Texas.  So this is how my birthday started....along with my time of the month.....back hurting....stomach cramping.....moody! So, this is why I felt OLDER on this years birthday.  When I got home last night Leven asked me where I wanted to go eat....I said NO WHERE! Of course Tay was upset.  But all I wanted to do was sit down and put my feet up.  This morning I felt like a whole new woman! Thank goodness for a better nights sleep.  I'm ready for the weekend!
Tomorrow is the Night Flight Extravanaza (Tatum's Adult Prom as one kid put it).  But it's a huge fundraiser to raise money for all our high school seniors.  Each senior in that class will receive a $1000 scholarship or more (depending on how much we raise on Saturday) to go towards college!! We dance, have a live and silent auction, get all dressed up!  We always have a great time.  Tonight I'm getting a spray tan, last week I found a dress, Molly is letting me borrow her shoes, Leven is wearing a suit, I'm getting my hair did! I will take lots of pictures for ya! You know Leven is all excited (ha!).  He actually went and got a haircut this morning :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

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