Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sickness and wins

Whew, this week has NOT been a good week at the Barker household.  Taydem woke up early early Monday morning with fever.  So I kept her home from school.  Which means I had to stay home from work.  My parents have been in Tennessee for 2 weeks so I couldn't call on Mom this time for help.  Just when I thought she was getting better, she woke up me up about 11:30 on Monday night with 102.5 temperture and a major headache.  So I set my alarm clock every few hours to check on her and since the girls are sharing a room we put Tenlee in bed with us. sleep for us! Tenlee tossed and kicked like a fish all night! So I took Taydem to the doctor on Tuesday and found out she had strep.  No good.  So I knew she had to stay home again on Wednesday! She felt so bad on Tuesday. 
Well Tuesday when I picked Tenlee up from the daycare they told me she had been more fussy that day than usual and her eye had started to mat up and her nose started to run.  No good.  So I figured since I was already staying home with Taydem on Wednesday, I might as well take Tenlee on to the doctor.  Double ear infection! Are you kidding me.  When the doctor said that, Taydem looked over at me and said, "Great, hearing aids for Tenlee too!" Well, let's hope not Taydem. 
And while all of this has been going on with us girls, Leven is winning volleyball games and stuff! Kidding.  Leven can't help it that he can't help.  He did stay home with Taydem on Tuesday morning for 3 hours so I could go into work for a little bit and then met me in town and handed her off to me so I could take her to the doctor.  He had a game that night, his last district game, and they won! They ended their district run with a perfect 9-0!  They have their first playoff game this coming Monday night against Center and Carthage!

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