Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cooler weather and Fall Fun

This weekened was so nice and relaxing...for once...nothing planned.  When we have nothing planned it drives Taydem crazy, which then drives me crazy.  Since the day she was born all she knows is GO GO GO.  I didn't get out of my pjs until about 3:00 pm on Saturday.  Then it was time to run the girls up to the high school to the fall festival.  Julia was spending the night so she tagged along.  Taydem is just going to be a UT cheerleader for Halloween (saving money, she wore this costume for the M&M program back in May.  It's been pretty easy telling her we have to save money for "the house".  I think she's tired of the apartment as well!).  And I bought Tenlee a Cabbage Patch wig (just because I think it's so dang cute) and she also has a Lady Bug costume. They had fun at the festival and won tons of money.   

 Oh isn't Brittyn the prettiest BATWOMAN you have EVER SEEN??
 And we can't forget about Baylee...the prettiest pumpkin!
Speaking of the house....we are getting pretty tired of the apartment.  I feel like we are starting to be more and more like hoarders.  We keep bringing more stuff in but not taking stuff out! I can't even imagine after Christmas! Eeek! I may go crazy. So my parents are in Tennesse right now and when they get back we are starting on clearing the lot and getting the ball rolling. 
 It's time....finally!

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