Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mexico...thumbs down

Need some prayers people!
My cousin Sterling and her husband Steven and some friends of theirs are in Cabo right now. And if you haven't been keeping up with the news lately then you wouldn't know that Cabo was hit by a Category 4 hurricane 2 days ago. They tried to catch a flight home, but couldn't! So they had to ride it out.  They made it through the storm, but as of now, there is NO power, NO water and my Aunt and Uncle have not heard from them today.  It's a very scary situation and we are worried about them.  They are saying that the closest airports to Cabo have damage and that the earliest flights out may be next Monday, the 22nd.  Also, another hurricane is building right now in the Pacific Ocean just southwest of Acapulco. It's supposed to hit Cabo by Thursday.  Pray that it stays at a tropical storm and doesn't bring much rain.  Cabo is flooded right now.  I am just hoping that Sterling and them are staying put in their resort and not roaming the streets. Please say a prayer for them!
Leven and his girls have a home game tonight against Gilmer.  They start district next Tuesday.  Tonight is "Teacher Night!" The girls always love doing this.  It brings out a bigger crowd and they love honoring their favorite teachers. 
Update on Lizzy.  This past Friday she finished her second round of chemo.  So far so good.  Please keep praying for sweet Izzy.  She still has a long hard road ahead of her. Team Isabella
If you want to read her Caring Bridge website, click on her name on the left side of my blog page. Then you can read her journal entries.

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