Monday, September 30, 2013


Happy Monday!
There have been all kinds of babies being born here lately! Our friends Brandon and BreAnn welcomed baby Brysen last week.  He joins big brother Brody.  Brysen has been in the NICU since being born.  He was born about 4 weeks early and they are trying to get his oxygen levels right.  Pray for him!
My friend from high school, Nora and her hubby Peter, welcomed their baby boy yesterday! She lives in South Carolina now so thank goodness for facebook! Nora is a hoot and I've loved keeping up with her this pregnancy! Congrats to her!! This is her first baby!
My cousin Chelsea and her hubby Carl welcomed baby girl #2, Charley Austyn.  She joins big sister Carolina! Can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl! My cousin looks amazing!
Saturday we headed to watch the 7th and 8th grade Carthage girls in a tournament.  Leven has some really good athletes coming his way.  It's exciting to watch! After the games we headed to Lexi Ladymon's birthday party! The party was amazing.  This family knows how to through a party for sure.  Taydem had a blast.  They had face painting, blow up bounce houses, and food galore. Leven and I also had a great time.  Their house is by far the prettiest I've ever seen.  It's just beautiful.  So we visited with new friends and watched college football.  Then came the poured for a good 20 minutes and then the kids got back out to play.  Taydem went down one of the slides (fast because it was wet) and landed hard on her butt.  She didn't have time to catch herself with her feet.  Poor thing! It knocked the breath out of her and she was having a hard time breathing.  It scared her more than anything.  Her butt and back were hurting her as well.  So after that, we decided to take her home.  She was miserable. But still had a good time!
Yesterday was Ally Austyn's 4th birthday! So we headed down to Tatum to celebrate with the family.  My SIL made the best lasagna! Go Molly!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

All You Need is LOVE

This is a picture of my two nieces Brittyn and Tyler.  Is this not the sweetest picture you have ever seen??  They say that every day when Tyler gets to daycare they run up and hug each other.  So this picture they caught them in action! I just love it.

Leven and his girls won their second district game last night.  Things are looking good! I pray they make it to the Regional Tournament. 

Our house is still for sale....gas is starting to kill us. 

Taydem had school pictures yesterday.  Can't wait to see them.  She practiced her smile for about 5 minutes the night before.  And we fought over what she was going to wear. O-M-G! That girl cracks me up!

Our church is putting on Gospel Night this Sunday night and I am singing one of my songs that I sing with the choir. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Welcome to Fall

I am loving this Texas weather! This past weekend was by far the most enjoyable that we have had since last spring probably.  It all started last Friday with all that RAIN! And boy did East Texas need it.  Most of the counties "burn ban" was lifted, our lakes and ponds were filled and our yards were watered.  Our yard looks awesome right now.  Leven and I spent about 2 hours Saturday night working in the yard.  We had an Open House on Sunday and we wanted everything to look good.  My back was killing me that night though.  The flowerbeds are NOT my friend! I hate them actually! We ended up having 10 couples come to the Open House-which was surprising-but we were thankful.  Keep the prayers coming folks.  I feel like we are getting a little closer to finding a buyer. 

Saturday, Taydem and I went to my cousin Peyton's little boys birthday party- Gage.  It was at AirU and Taydem loves this place.  But what little kid wouldn't? She jumped and jumped and jumped! Check out that toe touch!! Leven spent most of Saturday in Rusk watching his 9th and JV volleyball teams in a tournament.  Both teams came home with the championship trophy.  He was proud! He said since the weather was so nice he cruised all the way to Rusk and back with the windows down and the sunroof open in the camaro! Leven works so hard at his job.  Tonight he's staying late to watch the 7th and 8th grade teams play.  He wants those girls to see that he cares not only for his Varisty but all the way down.  To build a program-this is what it takes!

Here she is again posing for the camera.  My sister-in-law and brother brought this little dress back from their vacation in St. Martin's and gave it to her for her birthday.  I won't let her wear it to school so she wore it all day yesterday.  She's just so dang cute!! And SASSY!

I'm leaving you today with a these two pictures.  Can you find Leven? And check out Leven's dad, Louie!! NO BEARD!! What? Then that last picture of Taydem looks so much like Leven! She's getting more and more freckles!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone has a
wonderful day and an even better week!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Curly sue

Last night we watched Tyler Junior College play against Panola Junior College in volleyball. Two of Leven's ex Pine Tree girls play for TJC and one plays for Panola. It was a great game and we loved watching his girls. So very proud of all three. TJC ended up winning in 4 games! It's crazy how that level of game is so much faster than high school. I love it!! Here's a pic of Leven and Emily!

I'm not sure if I posted these pics of Taydem's hair or not so I'm doing it now. She slept in these sponge roller thingys (not the pink kind we use to sleep in). These are like a cheetah print and they are long. After you roll some hair up you keep linking the rollers together. So it's mainly all on top of the head and it's easier to sleep. Well the next morning- Oh My Curly Sue! Her hair was short and curly. She hated it. She was so mad at me. Of course I thought it was funny and kept reassuring her that the curls would eventually fall out some. It was a hot mess!! Well by that evening- finally- the curls were beautiful!!

Happy Thursday Folks! Little humor for the day. This is sooooo me right now! (See below!!!!)

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Football Season

Don't you just love football season! College football on Saturdays are the best in my book! This past Saturday my sister and her husband had a football party for the Texas ATM/Alabama game and then most of us stayed around for the Mayweather fight.  It was a long day of eating and playing outside.  I'm pretty sure every kid in the neighborhood made their way into Danin's yard.  We had a good time hanging out and catching up with friends. The Mayweather fight finally came on almost at midnight! We were all worn out but we had already paid for the fight so we wanted to stay up and watch it. And the fight wasn't even a good one! No one was knocked out, but Mayweather was declared the winner.

My little blonde nieces!

So Leven tells me yesterday a lady at his school was telling him how she has found him a woman to meet and possibly hook up with.  He said he let her go on and on and then had to break it to her that he was married! So then he tells me, "I've still got it!!" OMG! Pa-LEASE. So later on I sent him a test asking if he even wore his wedding ring while at work.  He sends me this picture back:

Leven has his last non district game tonight at home.  It's so hard to believe that he's already almost finished with another season of volleyball.  District play starts on Friday and then it's playoffs!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

He's a sweetie

I swear the days go by faster and faster. I feel like I can't keep up most days.  We have been busy at work so it's hard for me to take time to blog. 

I feel we "may" be closer to getting our house sold.  At least the same couple have now looked at our house twice.  This is a first! So keep praying and keep those fingers crossed that they are the ones!

Taydem is loving Kindergarten in Tatum.  Trever got to travel with the team yesterday for a double header in Tyler.  This past Sunday he didn't make the traveling team so we didn't go watch the game.  He didn't play and I know he's frustrated about that.  But he just has to work even harder to prove himself worthy. 

Leven's girls are still moving right along.  District starts next Friday for them.  Speaking of Leven, check out these flowers he sent to my work today.  I was completely shocked! Leven isn't really the flower type of guy if you know what I mean.  But these flowers were just beautiful and my office smells wonderful. He can be a sweetie when we really wants to be! AND.... I love him for it!!

Friday, September 6, 2013


This week seemed to drag a little for me.  So THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY! Tonight we are headed to watch some Tatum Eagle Football.  Leven's volleyball team is playing in Mineola and I know it's going to be a blow out.  Plus I have to divide my time between Carthage and Tatum. 

Last night Taydem pulled her own tooth.  Thank goodness.  Trever had pulled the first one because Leven and I just couldn't do it.  I knew she had another loose tooth but I didn't know it was ready to come out.  She just went in the bathroom with a paper towel and yanked it out.  No tears what so ever! She was so proud of herself.  We were too.

Taydem loves to draw.  Every day she brings home a picture for Leven and I that she had drawn that day at school.  She's pretty good.  Check out this drawing.  It's of me, Lev and her playing basketball.  The jellyfish lookin thing off to the left, is her trampoline! ha

 Her teacher has a facebook page and posts pictures of the class.
 This was last night before the "tooth pulling!" Taydem pretends more than any kid I've ever been around.  She will sit and talk to herself or her babies for hours! Cracks me up. She needs a little sibling to play with!!
Trever has his first game this Sunday-a double header.  Pray he shines out there!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Leven's volleyball team took home another championship trophy this past weekend.  They played in the Tyler Tournament with 32 total teams and came out as #1! They beat out Hallsville and Pine Tree on Saturday then beat Ft. Worth Saginaw in the championship bracket.  It was a little awkard playing against Pine Tree.  Of course I still clapped when Pine Tree did something good.  We got so close to those girls.  Tonight they play Spring Hill and Lindale.  It's a duel match and both of these teams have only one loss! I can't wait. Should be some really good volleyball. His record right now is 18-5!

Iesha Bryant, one of his middle blockers, committed to the University of Tennessee yesterday.  This is huge.  We are thrilled for her and I'm excited for Leven to sign another player at a big D-1 school.

 Austyn spent the night with us Saturday night.  So her and Taydem entertained themselves ALL day in the gym.  We had a little break so Leven took the team to the mall just to get out of the gym for a little while.  Taydem and Austyn pretended they were SuperGirls!

Friday night we headed to Jacksonville to watch some Carthage football.  It is very weird to me sitting in the stands with RED all around me.  I'm such a huge Tatum Eagle fan.  I felt like I was doing something wrong!! ha I'm gonna have to split my time up between these two schools.
Labor Day was a day for relaxing for me.  I seriously feel like a new woman today because of all the rest I got over the weekend.  It was def much needed.