Tuesday, November 13, 2012

tears on my pillow

tonight is trever's first basketball game of his senior year. last night i had my first tears of the year. it's hard because i know he's not my "real" son and all, but he's still "mine" and all. if this makes any sense at all. and last night wasn't even about trever.  last night was leven's team volleyball banquet and it was held at papacitas here in longview.  all the girls looked all dressed up and beautiful and of course leven looked pretty cute himself. leven is such a great speaker, always has been.  and last night he brought tears to my eyes.  every year at his banquets he always gives a top 5 list of what he's going to miss with the seniors that are leaving. well this year he had a top 7.  and his number 7 was this: that he's going to miss trever getting all painted up for the home games, leaving blue, white and yellow paint out on our driveway/carport and having to hear me grip about having to clean it up and cleaning up the bathtub after trever taking a shower.  and it hit me pretty hard.  i'm going to miss this too.  there will be no more paint before games. no more gripping at trever and leven about paint everywhere. no more bending over that tub, sniffing in all those cleaning chemicals, cussing to myself, about how much I can't stand scrubbing this paint off the walls of the shower! again...this is just the start and it wasn't even HIS night. i'm so glad i have a long time before taydem gets to be 18.  maybe i will be more prepared. then again....are you ever prepared? 

excuse the lazy no capital letters.

last night i found out who my club volleyball players are for this coming club season! i'm excited. let the party start. happy tuesday.


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