Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well we finally got Trever's college application's submitted to the two colleges below.  We won't find out anything until March.  Of course he wants to play baseball more than anything, but if he can get into any one of these two schools that would be an accomplishment! So fingers crossed.

December is approaching quickly! I got all my Christmas decorations out of the attic and up in our house.  I think it looks great.  I'm still moving things around here and there until I find the perfect place for everything. We got some new things for our yard this year.  Thanks to our friends from Mexia, The Brizendines! Meet Santa and Frosty!

I've already started on my shopping this year.  I don't have a clue what to get Taydem.  She's giving me a few hints.  But she wants the same things she already has! We need to clean out her room and make room for new toys and clothes for sure.

I left my phone at home I feel lost! Happy HUMP day!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving was wonderful.

-Mexia was a blast
-Family pics turned out great (saw a couple, can't wait to see the rest)
-Mike and Grans visit was great as always. Taydem got her some cute new slippers from them! Thank yall!
-The Falcon was great!
-Saw some old friends
-Louie and Gwen's house was packed this year!
-Gwen's Thanksgiving feast was AMAZING!
-Met some new family members
-Made new memories, shared new and OLD stories, lots of laughs!
-Cousins from Houston came to visit. Loved our visit!!
-At one time my house had 2 big boxer dogs, one scared cat, 8 poker players, 1 baby, 1 toddler, 1 child and 4 ladies! That's a lot for my house!
-Finally bought a pre-lite Christmas tree today! My decorating just got better!
-Made Taco Soup tonight
Now I'm sitting in the couch watching college football with Lev!

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Time for a break

So ready for this break. Work has been amazing this year. So blessed to have my job (feel bad for all the Twinkie and Ding Dong makers out there) but this year us environmental consultants have worked our butts off! So next week we are taking the entire Thanksgiving week off to spend with our families! So exited about that. We will take a couple of those days and head to Mexia to be with Levens family.

Today I went to Taydems school to celebrate Thanksgiving with her class. It's always so sad for me to see all the kids that don't have their mommies or daddies there with them. Especially at their age. It just breaks my heart. I felt I was spending more time with those kids at Taydems table them Taydem!! But she understands. She was too busy eating anyways! Kindergarten teachers are so special and I love Taydems to death. Her room is the best (and yes, every kindergarten teachers room is the best) but hers is really the best! So happy she's ours!

Taydem with Ms. Davis
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

tears on my pillow

tonight is trever's first basketball game of his senior year. last night i had my first tears of the year. it's hard because i know he's not my "real" son and all, but he's still "mine" and all. if this makes any sense at all. and last night wasn't even about trever.  last night was leven's team volleyball banquet and it was held at papacitas here in longview.  all the girls looked all dressed up and beautiful and of course leven looked pretty cute himself. leven is such a great speaker, always has been.  and last night he brought tears to my eyes.  every year at his banquets he always gives a top 5 list of what he's going to miss with the seniors that are leaving. well this year he had a top 7.  and his number 7 was this: that he's going to miss trever getting all painted up for the home games, leaving blue, white and yellow paint out on our driveway/carport and having to hear me grip about having to clean it up and cleaning up the bathtub after trever taking a shower.  and it hit me pretty hard.  i'm going to miss this too.  there will be no more paint before games. no more gripping at trever and leven about paint everywhere. no more bending over that tub, sniffing in all those cleaning chemicals, cussing to myself, about how much I can't stand scrubbing this paint off the walls of the shower! again...this is just the start and it wasn't even HIS night. i'm so glad i have a long time before taydem gets to be 18.  maybe i will be more prepared. then again....are you ever prepared? 

excuse the lazy no capital letters.

last night i found out who my club volleyball players are for this coming club season! i'm excited. let the party start. happy tuesday.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

We thank you

Thank you to all the veteran's out there past and present! This morning at church, my two sister in laws and myself sang Battle Hymn of the Republic. So I dedicate this song to you!

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Friday, November 9, 2012


Travis Tritt was straight up.....awesome! I've seen a lot of concerts in my day and his is by far ranked among the best. I think because it was so intimate and it was just him and his guitars. No band! The man can sing AND play that guitar! I didn't realize how well he played. We all loved it. I'm so glad Mike and Ann drove up to share the experience with us. I think overall Trever had a great 18th birthday!

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 7

On Day 7 I am  thankful for both my job and Leven's job.  I honestly enjoy working.  Even if I had all the money in the world, I would find something to do everyday by working or doing some kind of volunteer work.  I am very glad that I help provide for my family.  My new (not so new anymore) job has been a blessing and I continue to learn new stuff every day. Leven is finished with volleyball season for now and we look forward to another season of club volleyball.  Well at least I do.  I coach and Leven gets to tag along with me! 

Today is DAY 8: I am thank ful for my stepson, Trever.  Today is his 18th birthday. Can you believe it? I still remember him as this little stinky 11 year old.  Where has the time gone? Being a step mother is by far one of the hardest challenges I've had to face.   But after these 7 years of helping raise him, I can honestly say, he's made it easy on me (at times!!!) I couldn't have asked for a better son than him.  I've learned so much being a parent for him and it has helped me get prepared for Taydem one day.  I can only pray that Taydem is as easy as him. We are in the process of applying for colleges right now and it's just crazy, just crazy. He is super smart and is wanting to go into some kind of engineering.  So we will apply for Texas A&M and The University of Texas first.  If he doesn't get into either of these schools, he will work extra hard to play baseball somewhere.  Leven and I bought him a guitar for his birthday.  Leven gave it to him on Monday and he has practiced every night.  He loves it! And then tonight we are taking him to see Travis Tritt in concert! We are also taking Leven's mom for her birthday.  So her and Mike are driving up this afternoon....Taydem is beyond excited!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

And the winner is....

Watching this election is stressing me out! Say a prayer NOW that Romney wins Florida and Ohio!!

Day 6: today I'm thankful that I am American!!

Made it home safe this afternoon. I don't really care to go back to San Antonio anytime soon.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

San Antonio

Back down south for work.

Election Day tomorrow
I voted for the most pro-life candidate, bc God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17). I voted for the most pro-marriage candidate, bc God is for marriage (Genesis 2:24). I voted for the most pro-work candidate, bc God says if a man does not work, let him not eat (II Thessalonians 3:10). I voted based as close as I can on God's word (II Timothy 3:16).

I pray tonight that America gets it right this time!

Day 5: I'm thankful for TV! While I'm sitting here in this hotel room watching Dancing with the Stars, The Voice and now Revolution! I've loved TV since I was a wittle girl. Movies, musicals, reality TV, game shows, news, SPORTS, I love it all!

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall back

Wow. Today has been the longest day. Time change......After church I headed to watch my nephews baseball game. Then drove out to my parents to look at the progress they've made in the remodeling of their house. The house looks amazing, seriously. I can't wait to see them all moved it. Then my SIL's and myself practiced our song we are singing in church next Sunday. After singing it about 20 times I think we have it as good as its going to get. I think we sound pretty awesome!! We are singing it a cappella with 3 different parts. We went down to my Meme's house and sang it for her. After we finished she was sitting there in tears. She loved it!!! I guess she approved!

Speaking of my Meme......she's my Day 4! I am so thankful for my Meme. She will turn 89 in a few weeks and you would never guess this. She is so full of life and I just love her. After my Papaw passed away in January we weren't for sure how she would do alone. She's doing better than ever. She's so loved....

I leave for San Antonio again in the morning for work. Long. Short. Trip. Whew....

Here are a few pics from the deer camp:

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

I'm thankful for my husband and best friend, Leven. We met just a little over 7 years ago and fell in love fast. We met and were married 8 months later.

Before we even started dating, I had a seizure in front of him while we were playing golf one day. Freaked him out! We didn't even know each other that well but he was practically all I had at the time. My family and friends were not in Mexia with me and I was there all alone. I will never forget that day. It scared him to death. He took me home (no hospital for me and I told him this) and I passed out. I slept for hours. Your body is so broken and worn out after having a seizure (something else I told him) so he stayed at my house all day making sure I was ok. At first I felt it was a little weird (again, I didn't know him that well and he was pretty much my boss) but after the fact, I thought it was really sweet and caring. Long story short.....the next 6 weeks I was told not to drive, anywhere....doctors orders. So, guess who volunteered to drive me around....yup, Leven. He took me to work every morning then brought me home. He took me to the bank, grocery store, etc. I would cook for him and Trever in return. I spent a lot of time with he and Trever during those 6 weeks and that's our love story. Didn't take long.

He makes me laugh and keeps a smile on my face. Marriage is not easy. Gosh, we've had some really low times as well. But I truly believe that God put Leven in my life at the right time and I was put in he and Trever's life at the right now. And this is why I'm thankful.

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's what's for dinner

Do you like deer meat?

As the older I get the more I LOVE it. This weekend kicks off deer season and I'm hoping daddy brings home some meat this year!

Tonight we are headed to Tatum to watch the football game. Then we will probably just stay the night with my sister.

Day 2: I'm thankful for my family. A big one it is, but that's what I love about it. Tomorrow we will spend all day at the deer camp eating fish, sitting around the fire, laughing, and enjoying one another!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Month of Thanks

Everyday I will try my hardest to post why I'm thankful. Each day will be different. So here's to the 1st: I am thankful today for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Last night we took Tay house to house collecting candy. Leven, Trever and I each took turns getting out of the car walking her to door to door. She had a ball. If you weren't walking with Tay then you were riding.

Today Leven and Trever FINALLY ordered his letterman's jacket. He should've done it last year but he didn't think he wanted one. So we talked him into it. So the big Levster had to get his OLD jacket out for show and tell! I won't lie, I got mine out too!

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