Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm horrible at keeping up

Happy 4th of July pic!
We got to spend a few good days with Trever! We watched Taydem and her team play softball all weekend, went out on the lake for a few hours, ate and visited with family and friends and ended that weekend with a firework show out at our friends place!
Shivers.  I had to finally break down and drive to north Longview to try these snowcones out.  Worth the drive.  Wish I lived closer.  They make their syrup homemade.  So it's mainly a delish fruit mixture on top of this ice.  I got the cocunut/pinapple and it was oh so good! I will be making another trip before summer is over!
 SnapChat.  We are a little addicted! Tenlee and Taydem love the different filters (like this dog one!).  Not gonna lie, I love the filters too.
 Leven had a player play in the TGCA volleyball all star game last night.  So I drove up to see her play as well.  Her team won and she played in all three games! Afterwards we hung out with some friends. Good times!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Lil Bumpers

Not sure if I have mentioned this in my blog yet or not, but back in February I decided I wanted to start a Lil Bumper's volleyball program in Tatum.  I want girls at Tatum to be prepared for 7th grade volleyball and actually compete a little.  I've heard from so many that it's so embarressing to watch our 7th and 8th graders play volleyball.  You can not just pick up a volleyball in 7th grade and expect to win. It's a very difficult game and involves lots of practice and trust with your teammates. So if we expect them to compete, then we need to start them young.  Just like we do in basketball and softball. 
I've had a wonderful group of men and women helping me with this program and this past weekend we had a mini volleyball camp to help introduce volleyball to some of these girls.  We sent a survey home with the girls from school back in May and we got 70 that are interested in playing this fall. Super excited about this! The camp only brought in 18 girls though.  Between summer vacations and the 10u and 12u softball tournaments on the same day, we just didn't have the numbers we thought we would get. I was still happy with the 18! Gotta start somewhere, right?! And some of the 18 went ahead and signed up for the fall league.  Whooo-hoo.  It's gonna be good.  Hopefully by the time Taydem's class is in the 7th grade, we will be kicking some butt!
My nephew Aidan is at the Duke University basketball camp right now! How cool is this? I can't wait to hear all about it.

My dad had his 50th high school class reunion this past weekend.  50 dang years! wow oh wow! This picture of the two of them is my favorite. 

Seriously, these two are just beauties in my eyes!
 Taydem is getting so grown.  And this girl can play some volleyball.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


I always just assumed my children would be just like my sister, brothers and myself. We all look very similar (hair, eyes, build, etc) and we are a lot a like in personalites as well.  But guess DID NOT HAPPEN THIS WAY.  My girls couldn't be more different.
Taydem is the typical first child (although she is really the middle child, she's my actual first born). She wants to impress us all the time.  She does not want us disappointed in her, easy to discipline, works extremely hard in whatever she's doing and is Momma Bear to so many little girls.  She's very friendly, talks A LOT, is super smart, athletic, enjoys art, loves music and still plays with her baby dolls.  Taydem is very independent.  She's always been this way, probably because she had to learn to play by herself at an early age. 
So sometimes if there's a crowd of kids, you will find Taydem off to herself. 
Tenlee is into everything.  We can not turn our backs on her for 1 minute.  She loves to twist caps off of things, get into cabinets, open drawers and take things out, pull shoes off of closet shelves, OPEN DOORS and then shut them on herself, put things in her mouth, etc.  I could probably sit here and think of some more things.  Taydem was never this type of toddler.  Tenlee is very sneaky and mischievous.  She loves Tay so much and will follow her everywhere.  And Taydem is pretty good about her being close by. 
Again, Tay is Momma Bear. 
They both love their Momma and Daddy dearly.  They both love to cuddle (with Daddy of course). They both love people and they both smile all the time! And they are both really good kids overall.  We can take them anywhere and know that they will be well behaved.  Probably because we have been popping that butt early early! They know our loud voices, evil looks we give and know when they are in trouble!
Now you can just look at these two pictures, they look NOTHING ALIKE!
This is also at the same age.  Tenlee is about 1 month older than Taydem's picture.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

While we were away...........

our daughters were being well taken care of.  Chrissy and Darin kept them for us Wednesday night....

Danin and Eric kept them for us Thursday night.....

And my parents kept them Friday and Saturday night.....

Taydem's All Star district tournament just happened to be the weekend of our trip. Geez.  So thankful my parents could take her.  Then her team ended up making it to the championship game which was held last night.  We got back on Sunday just in time to watch their last game.  Taydem is doing so well right now in softball and it makes me that crazy, cheer loud, momma in the stands (well actually I never sit because I'm chasing Tenlee around)! But I was getting so nervous Sunday at her game.  She went 5-6 in this tournament and hit the ball strikeouts.  Their next tournament (they took the top two teams) will be 4th of July weekend (thumbs down!).  We were hopig to get to Mexia that weekend.  So more practices and more games. 
This is what we have to look forward to. 

Trever has been working his tail off down in South Texas! Proud of him.  He can not wait until this gets this first check (we can't either!!).  He gets paid this Thursday.  I think he had around 15 overtime hours. His learning what it's like to be an adult!!

Monday, June 20, 2016


If you are friends with me on Faceook, then you have already seen all of these pictures from Cabo. But, if ya go!
Our flight was bright and early Thursday morning.  On the plane ride there, Leven was on the outside, me in the middle and a 6'7" guy by the window.  Talk about long legs and tight space.  He plays basketball for a living over in Europe and he was headed to Cabo to meet up with his family.  His flight the day before was delayed like 4 hours....needless to say...he was TIRED!
Our hotel was perfect.  The location is key there in Cabo.  I think the Arc (rock formation on the point) is the best view ever.  So we wanted a hotel that was close to seeing this every morning when we woke up! The food was the best we had ever eaten in Mexico.  And the pool was nice and huge.  We met several different people while in the pool! You all know Leven doesn't meet a stranger and they all loved his big ole TEXAN accent.  So we made a few friends.....
I took this picture the last night we were there.  No one was down by the pools.  Nice peaceful!

The first day was spent around the pool.  The 2nd day we walked down to the beach to check out how cold te water actually was and how strong the under toe was.  Both---cold and crazy strong.  The waves are huge and when they crash it sounds like thunder.  Especially laying in bed at night.  So as we were taking a few pictures, the wave just about got me.  If I would've fallen down, I'm pretty sure Leven would've had to come in after me.  Would not have been good.  So after that, we moved up a little closer away from that water. We got some great pictures down by the beach! The view is so beautiful.  These pictures don't do it justice.

Seriously scared me. 
My favorite picture of Leven.

This was are first evening there.  We ate at the steak house at the resort.
After the beach pictures, we took a taxi down to the marina to get ready for our catamaran tour.  This was both our best day.  We walked around a few shops first until it was time to load up.  We found a couple of things for the girls.  The catamaran was awesome.  Big sailboat, lots of good drinks, we ate lunch and just sailed down the coast line.  Soooo pretty! I can't even explain it.  It was hot, but when the water splashed up onto the boat, it cooled you off.  I recommend this to anyone!
This was the fattest sealion I had ever seen.  The guy said it was his pet and his name was Panco. 

The boat stopped by the rocks (Arc) so everyone could take a few pictures.

The guy taking our picture was making us laugh.  He was already tipsy before he got on the boat (Bachelor Party he was with) and of all people he volunteered to take our pics.  He didn't do too bad.  Plus he made us laugh and took these candid photos!

Once we got down by the bay area, they said we could jump in the water.  Leven did...I stayed on the boat where it was
Once we got back from our boat ride, we got dressed (Leven took a cat nap while I showered) and headed back towards the marina to the downtown area.  Downtown is really neat.  Lots to do and see.  We were pretty warn out so we only hit up a few places before calling it a night. 
We ate at the Mango Deck first.  The food was delish and they band playing was good!

Went by Cabo Wabo and the Wiggling Marlin
The last day was spent around the pool All.Day.Long! Just nice and relaxing for the both of us.  We did play a couple of games of sand volleyball but we all quit during game 2 because we were worn out and HOT.  We spent the evening eating at the resort and enjoying one another.  Ten years is a long time to be married (especially with our generation).  I love Leven more today than I did 10 years ago.  He's mellowed out in his older years and I LOVE IT!
Great Trip!
A cruise ship stayed in front of our hotel all day.  Took off that evening!

One more thing...on our plane ride home.  Leven and I had the same seats, so we were waiting to see who was going to take that window seat.  Here comes a 6'6" Professional Soccer player.  He was good lookin!! I have a good friend who loves soccer and I wanted to tell him about my encounter with the stud.  So I asked if I could get a picture with him.  (Honestly I just wanted a pic with him.  He may be famous one day.  He's only 22!


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Rookie

Have you seen the movie "The Rookie?" It was a good one. A wonderful sports movie that leaves you pumped up at the end ready to tackle anything that is thrown at you.  Well we got to hear Jim Morris speak last night.  I LOVE a good motivational speaker and he was one of the best. His story is like none other.....
Turns out, he and Leven played for the same college baseball coach....Coach Allen (we just went to Coach Allen's funeral a couple of weeks ago in Stephenville).   After the program, Leven made his way to introduce himself and meet Mr. Morris. 

Mr. Morris was at the 2nd annual Best Preps Sports Banquet.  One of Leven's players was nominated again this year so we spent last night eating good, listening to Jim Morris speak and finding out all the high school winners in each of the different sports catagories. 
Great evening.
Alli Capps will be a senior next year! Expecting great things from her in the fall!
 And while we were out, Tenlee was swimming and Taydem had softball practice.
Also, Taydem has been at the Panola Volleyball camp all week and yesterday she was awarded "Best Hitter" of the camp!
Go Taydem!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Had another good weekend with some family and friends.  Saturday our friends invited us to come hang out with them at their newly built lakehouse (beautiful!). We haven't gotten to really hang out with them since I was pregnant.   We took a few boat rides, ate some really good steaks and just visited with one another. Really nice evening with them.   

 Yesterday we headed over to our lakehouse and ate lunch with my parents and my grandmother.  Corn on the cob, new potatoes, sausage, hamburgers, cucumbers ---(is your mouth watering yet?). We took the girls out for a boat ride and Taydem and I jumped in Tenlee and Leven watched.  Just a quick swim.  Taydem was all scared to jump in the lake like that....uh, that needed to change real fast! She said her daddy told her turtles and alligators live in the lake.
These three will always be running buddies. 2 year olds!

Taydem has the cutest butt!
Taydem started volleyball camp this morning at Panola Junior College.  Her first offical camp...many-MANY more will be in her future.
Trever started his first offical day at his new job.  Hoping he loves it! He will learn so much.
I'm trying to take care off all the little things before we leave for our vacation. These little things and actually not that little. It's just things that need to be done! I picked up the dry cleaning today, getting my hair done after work, start packing us ALL, etc.  I need more hours in my work day!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Here and there....

Honestly, once I was in high school, college, BEFORE KIDS, I don't remember being that sick...that often.  I'm sure my mom would tell you different.  But honestly, I don't think I was ever sick that much. Taydem was never really a sick child until we moved to Tatum!! bahaha. Her first grade year she had all kinds of illnesses that hit her.
But as a baby/toddler, the only sickness we dealt with for Taydem was her poor ear infections. (#stupidhearingaids #lovehate)
So now we have Tenlee....this child has had the stomach bug more in her 2 years than Taydem ever did! It's crazy. She came down with a virus last Thursday and yesterday was the first time she did not have a runny diaper! She was sick SICK for 2 days.  Her poo smelt the worse that I have ever smelt.  We put her on a pallet on our floor those 2 nights so we could keep an eye on her (and to keep her away from Taydem) and the smell of her crap would wake us up!!! It.Was.BAD!
Well then guess who gets sick next?? You guessed it.....ME! I woke up early early Monday morning with horrible cramps and was in the bed all day Monday and Tuesday.  I finally took my temperture Monday around 5:00 and had 102.  I'm sure I had it all day, but never took.  My head hurt, my lower back hurt and of course those cramps. I'm happy I got it when I did because we leave for Cabo next week.  I pray Tay and Leven don't get.  If they can make it to the weekend, I think they will be fine.  I came back to work yesterday feeling about 50% better but today I think I'm back to normal.  

Leven loves to be sneaky with the camera while we sleep!

Trever is now down in Carrizo Springs for the summer.  He made it there this morning and will be there working (Internship Job).  Praise the Lord! So grateful for my Uncle making a phone call for Trever.  My Uncle is a pretty special man! It was a job just getting Trever down there....BUT he's there and I pray he makes some good money and he LEARNS LEARNS LEARNS!! A lot. 
Please keep him in your prayers all summer because we all know how bad it can be in south Texas! This experience is huge for him!

I want to end with this before and after photo.  Not to show off (ok ok, well maybe just a little because I have been working my tail off for the past 8 weeks! And I'm proud of myself!) but to show you the difference in the 2 pictures. 
Photo left is 10 years ago, same swimsuit but 15 pounds heavier in photo on the right! Crazy, right? Working out and eating healthy (listen, I do cheat!) is the way to go people.  Don't starve yourself.  The picture on the left was on our honeymoon.  I had lost so much weight because of a medicine I was on (Topomax) and was the skinniest I have ever been.  But I didn't like it at all! I am so much happier today with my curves!
What's your motivation?